Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



The past is not static

I am currently reading Numbercontaminated cupNumbera fantasy detective novel. Think “Sherlock Holmes set in Westeros.” The protagonist has this enhanced ability that allows him to absorb every interaction, every detail of a crime scene, and then recite those exact details…

Will you fast before exercise?

If you are following intermittent fasting dietyou may be wondering, “Does pre-exercise break your fast?” Let’s take a look. One of the benefits of intermittent fasting is its simplicity. You don’t count anything: no calories, no carbs, no grains of…

Back to group riding! – BionicOldGuy

I think I’ve recovered enough strength that I can try Tuesday’s group ride. We did one of my favorite rides – “Around the Reservoir” plus a round trip on Casa Loma Road. I ride recumbent because it’s easier on my…