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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Technology

Small black holes can have tubes inside the Earth’s rocks

Two thought-provoking cosmologists have good news for everyone: If a supermassive black hole passes through your body, you probably won’t die. This unexpected confirmation is part of their larger hypothesis that scientists can find supermassive black holes (PBHs), the smallest,…

The Simple Math Behind Public Keys

The original version about This article appeared inside Quanta Magazine. For thousands of years, if you wanted to send a secret message, there was one way to do it. You can block the message using a special command, known only…

AI Will Transform Organizations For All

Since then chart creation in the 1850s, the structure of companies has changed a bit – they are hierarchical and consist of several groups of managers and decision makers. This is because we have been bound by the limits of…