Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



How to use the new voice recording feature in MyFitnessPal

As a registered dietitian who regularly uses MyFitnessPal for tracking and with clients, I’ve seen how time constraints can make consistent recording a challenge. But MyFitnessPal’s new voice recording feature really simplifies the process, making it faster and easier for…

Fat-burning clean energy drink

Are you tired of feeling sluggish and exhausted by midday? Say goodbye to the afternoon slump Pep rally energy boosta clean energy drink that burns fat to keep you energized during long, tiring days. Rich in natural ingredients, pep rally…

Closed Path, Open Future | Nerd Fitness

I’m a huge Stephen King fan. I’ve read the entire Dark Tower series, It, The Shining, Doctor Sleep, and my favorite movie is based on his novella, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank’s Redemption. So, at the request of many friends who…