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Why news-savvy AIs will give us superpowers in 2025

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The year 2025 will be the year that big technology changes from selling us the most powerful tools to selling us the most powerful skills. The difference between a tool and a skill is simple but significant. We use tools as external things that help us overcome our weaknesses. From cars and airplanes to cell phones and computers, devices greatly expand what we can do as individuals, in large groups and in large-scale developments.

Skills are different. We experience creativity in the first person as an autonomous ability that is felt within and present in our conscious mind. For example, language and mathematics are man-made technologies that we embed in our brains and carry with us throughout our lives, enhancing our ability to think, create and connect. He is great power things that we feel are so natural to our lives that we don’t see them as technologies at all. Fortunately, we do not need to purchase a service plan.

However, the next wave of authoritarianism will not be free. But like our ability to think verbally and numerically, we will develop these abilities as independent skills that we carry throughout our lives. I refer to this new technology as additional ideas and it will emerge from the convergence of AI, interactive computers and augmented reality. And, in 2025 it will start an arms race between the biggest companies in the world to sell us. superhuman powers.

These new powers will be released by Experienced AI assistants which is entered into body armor (like AI glasses) that accompany us throughout our lives, seeing what we see, hearing what we hear, what we experience and giving us the ability to perceive and interpret our world. In fact, by 2030, I predict that most of us will be living with the help of the AI ​​assistants it brings. digital power in our daily experience.

What will our superhuman future look like?

First, we will whispers to these intellectual delegates, and they will whispered backact as a know-it-all that provides us with insight, knowledge, guidance, advice, local remindersroad signs, haptic stimuli and other words and sounds that will teach us today and teach us about our world.

Consider this simple example: You are walking through town and you see a store across the street. Wondering what time it opens? So, you grab your phone and type (or say) the name of the store. You quickly find hours on the site and maybe review the store’s information. This is the basic type of equipment that is common today.

Now, let’s see how great technology can be transformed into a capable computer model.

Part 1: You’re wearing AI-powered glasses that can see what you see, hear what you hear and process your surroundings using a large-scale multi-language (LLM). Now when you see that store across the street, you whisper to yourself, “I wonder when it’s going to open?” and the voice will be heard in your ears at the same time “10:30 AM.”

I know this is a subtle change in asking your phone to look up the store name, but it feels good. The reason is that the AI ​​assistant will share your reality. It doesn’t just track your location like GPS, it sees, hears and responds to what you’re looking at. This will make it less of a tool, and more like an inner skill that is connected to your reality.

And when we’re asked a question by an AI-powered alter ego in our ears, we usually answer honestly. nodding their heads in confirmation (detected by sensors in the glasses) or shaking our heads in denial. It will sound so natural and seamless, we may not even realize we have responded.

Part 2: By 2030, we won’t need to whisper to the AI ​​assistants walking with us in our lives. Instead, we will be able to simply speak the words, and AI will know what we are saying by reading our lips and recognizing signals from our muscles. I am confident that “mouthing” will be sent, because it is private, stable in a noisy environment, and most importantly, it will feel personal, internal and independent.

Part 3: By 2035, you won’t need to say a word anymore. That’s because AI will learn to interpret the signals in our muscles more intelligently and accurately, we will only have to think about speech to express what we want. We can focus our attention on any object or event in our world and think about something, and useful information will come from our AI glasses if omniscient voice in our heads.

Of course, the ability will go far beyond just wondering about the things around you. That’s because the onboard AI that shares the first-person reality will learn to anticipate what you want before you ask for it. For example, when a colleague comes from down the hall and you can’t remember his name, the AI ​​will hear your unhappiness, and a voice will ring out: “Gregg from engineering.”

Or when you pick up a can of soup at the grocery store and want to know about carbs or wonder if it’s cheaper at Walmart, the answers ring in your ears or appear on the screen. It will also give you excellent human skills to gauge the emotions on other people’s faces, predict their emotions, intentions or intentions, and train you in real conversations to be persuasive, persuasive or persuasive (see this video example).

I know some people are skeptical about the amount of parenting I’m talking about above and the quick turnaround time, but I don’t say this lightly. I have spent most of my career working on technology develop and develop human skillsand I can say that without question, the mobile computer market is about to run in this direction very much.

In the last 12 months, two of the most powerful and advanced companies in the world, Meta and Google, have revealed their plans to give us super power. Meta made a big move by adding the famous AI to their Ray-Ban sunglasses and introducing their Orion hybrid lens that adds a great visual experience. Meta is now in the best position to advance their big investments in AI and augmented reality (XR) and become a major player in the mobile computing market, and they can do this by selling us great power that we can’t resist.

Not to be outdone, Google soon announced Android XRA new machine that uses the power of AI to increase our country with familiar properties. They also announced a partnership with Samsung to bring new glasses and headsets to the market. With more than 70% market share in the mobile operating system and the strong presence of AI and Gemini, I believe that Google is well positioned to be the leading force in the power of human technology in the next few years.

Yes, we must consider the danger

Mentioning celebrities 1962 Spiderman comic“with great power comes great responsibility.” This wisdom is actually about superpowers. The difference is that the main responsibility will not fall on the consumers who buy the techno-powers, but the companies that provide them and the authorities that control them.

After all, after wearing an AI-powered augmented reality (AR) headset, each of us can find ourselves new reality where technologies controlled by other people they can selectively change what we see and hear, while AI-powered voices whisper in our ears with advice, information and guidance. Even good intentions, even magic, are the possibility of abuse it is equally profound.

To avoid a dystopian outcome, my first suggestion to consumers and producers is that depending on the type of subscription business. If the competition for high-powered devices is driven by the company that can offer the most amazing new capabilities at the lowest monthly cost – we will all benefit. If instead, the business model becomes a competition to make money for the big power by providing a powerful influence on our eyes and ears in our daily life, consumers can easily changed in a detail and breadth that we have never experienced before.

In the end, these higher authorities will not feel like they want to. After all, not having them can put us at a cognitive disadvantage. It is now up to companies and regulators to ensure that we roll out these new technologies in a way that is not disruptive, disruptive or dangerous. I believe that this can be a new way of computing, but it requires good planning and supervision.

Louis Rosenberg founded Immersion Corp, Outland Research and AI in collaborationand writing Our Next Reality.


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