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How Does a Movie Projector Display Black Color?

The image may contain an External Machine Screw Footprint and Environment

Courtesy of Rhett Allain

But what about video projector models? They basically do the same thing. However, instead of small RGB lights, it creates RGB colors in different areas of the screen.

Creating a Black Color

Now we are ready for the fun stuff. How does a video projector shoot black light? Black light can be the lack of each one light, as we have seen before. Are you not doing anything? First, let’s talk about the screen as a TV. If you have three small lights (red, green, blue), you can create a small black dot by turning off all three lights in that space. Boom, it’s dark!

So, is it possible to just turn off the projector to make it black? That can’t be right, can it? If so, you wouldn’t be able to distinguish the black color from the screen without the projector even turning it on. Yes, that’s how it works.

Look: In the next picture, I am showing a slide that is half black and white. Slide takes up most of the screen.

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