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Sabina Manda, io9: Llet’s talk about your trip and Sonic like the Tail. What he said Sonic What do you mean growing up and what was it like jumping on the board to speak the character?
Colleen O’Shaughnessey: Mrs Sonic the journey is long, which is very good. My first entry into Sonic environment I played Charmy Bee inside (Sonic) Types-(that) was the first, the first game I spoke Charmy. And it was almost four years before I mentioned Tails. I was auditioning for the show Sonic Boom aand I booked Tails, then it came with video games. And here we are 10 years later, and he’s on the big screen, which is incredible. Very strange. This franchise is very interesting. Fans are very interested in this franchise, which is a very beautiful thing. And I’m honored to be a part of it, aand for a long time – it has been amazing.
io9: In the movie, we get a lot of information about Tails jumping out of his position and onto the field. I know they were scared of it in the last movie. Can you talk about what it was like for you to see this journey and evolution with a fan of the film?
O’Shaughnessey: Yeah, I like it. Because the second film, it is the beginning of his journey with Sonic together. This is where they meet and it is like the beginning of their story. He was very nervous. It’s like meeting one of your heroes and, you know, hoping he lives up to his expectations. And now he is actually coming in this movie. They have a lot of self-confidence, they feel that they are part of a group, and part of a family. And they are all good friends and teammates and teammates.
io9: Yes, and I love the themes of this movie. I think this is one of the main factors that make this movie so enjoyable for the audience. I grew up with sports and I hope you grew up with them Sonic in different ways before joining the players. What is it about this story that resonated with you the most, and what is it that you love that is being presented to audiences now?
O’Shaughnessey: I love that there is something for everyone. They have taken this to the highest level. You know, there is travel, there is action, but there is humor and heart and family. It covers all the bases, which is just fun and great to see. And of course, there is something for everyone. You can see it with your kids, with your parents, and everything in between.
io9: What was the process to find the version of Tails voice?
O’Shaughnessey: WI approached Tails, I approached him the same way, whether it’s sports or games or movies, but this is bigger. And we just talked about being different-they find themselves in different situations. So I think it’s based on his sense of importance because the shows are so high up there, it’s not like, “Oh, it’s a sports game.” “We have to go.” “Let’s go. It’s all like, it’s high and mighty and all that, but still, it’s fun.
And not that this is not fun, but there are terrible things going on. So it’s permanent. It’s very difficult. It’s very cinematic, sure. But what I think was most beautiful (about) the change was that we had just done it Sonic Frontiers screenshots before I started recording the second video. And Sonic Frontiers screenshots it’s a very difficult game, and there’s a lot of dialogue and there’s a lot of advanced; (and) the same thing. So I (was) prepared and ready, really, because I had just done it Sonic Frontiers screenshots That was a departure from previous games.
io9: Sand going from silly to dark, I was so glad they kept some of the dark stuff. Sonic 2 fun in this movie and put Team Sonic under a lot of pressure. Tthe movie starts and they are like a group of brothers and they are having fun athen, things get very complicated very quickly. What was it like getting in with Tails? I love how each brother represents a different child.
O’Shaughnessey: Yes, everyone has their own responsibility. And he was very cool under pressure. There are many problems and several points are under him because he has schematics, he has a plan, and he is trying to keep the plan. And I feel like his cooldown under pressure has really improved. They have things to do and they jump in and save the day more than once, which is great.
io9: Yes, I love it. He is brave, which is very good. To change more about your work, at io9 we like to talk about fandom first. What games, movies, or books have influenced you the most in your career, and how did it get you to where you are today?
O’Shaughnessey: Anything interesting when I was a kid, I watched as much as my mom would let me watch – because (you) can’t watch TV all day, but if I could, I would. Wwhen I was a child, we didn’t have access to all of these all the time. I was an avid viewer of art and the Wonderful World of Disney The Muppets and all those things. I basically run around my house being all characters. I would be Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, to Miss Piggy and Kermit, to All My Best Friends. oh my god I loved all of the Super Friends. Basically, choose a color and maybe I was a fan and I ran around my house doing all those people.
io9: What was the first word that you realized or liked that your family realized that you could do well?
O’Shaughnessey: I did Fozzie Bear and, for some reason, Tigger from (Winnie the Pooh). I just did that, I don’t know where it came from, but I look at a baby or a beast and just give them a voice. Regardless of the look on their faces, I just told them what I thought they were saying. I wanted animals to be able to talk. Then I gave them a voice. But I feel like the Muppets were serious about developing this silly talent of mine.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 it’s in theaters now.
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