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Research has found that Google Maps fails users in the West Bank

A Wired study found that Google Maps may not be usable in the West Bankespecially since the beginning of the war. Users told the publication that the pilot program would point them at walls, fail to calculate time zones, or lead them through closed roads to Israeli settlements, which could be dangerous for Palestinian users.

Some of these problems are inevitable in war: In conflict, there is an increase in the number of checkpoints that can make it difficult for any movement to progress. Additionally, a Google spokesperson told Wired that the company does not distinguish between Israeli and Palestinian roads because that would require information about the citizens’ status. The spokesman also said the company is working continuously to improve its operations in the West Bank.

However, many employees have reportedly told Google leaders to improve the mapping service for the Palestinians, and, as a current Google employee told Wired, many people in the West Bank have stopped using Google Maps altogether.

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