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Squid Game Unleashed players can unlock in-game rewards by watching Squid Game Season 2

Netflix announced that its newly released players Squid Games Released game will be able to unlock in-game rewards by watching Squid Game Season 2.

The more views players get, the more rewards they get.

This is something that a large company like Netflix can do, and it is the latest type of transmedia, where Netflix is ​​using their streaming video leadership with the property of Squid Game, which has had more than 300 million viewers, and its role as growth. mobile game player.

Netflix is ​​offering rewards to players for watching Squid Game Season 2.

Squid Game Season 2 premieres on December 26th, and is coming after the December 17th launch. Squid Games: Freewhat Netflix calls guaranteed Squid Games video games. Netflix’s biggest series arrived with its biggest video game series, the company said.

This adds to the list of ‘firsts’ for the game, which includes free production for everyone – even without a Netflix membership. I’ve played the game and it gives you a similar challenge to the TV show, where you lose your life if you fail to compete well in the military missions.

In Red Light, Green Light, you have to run across the line at the green light. If you are still walking when it turns to a red light, you will be shot and removed from the game. You get merciful breaks where you can start over, but you go back. Even though the graphics are like cartoons, there is blood in the game when you shoot or miss. The more you play, the more coins you collect and you can buy items that will help you progress in the game. And now by watching this show, you can get a lot of fake money.

It shows a lot of promise as other TV shows do Dana and The Last of Us they may also spark interest in the video games they’re based on, but we haven’t seen what happens when the series and games come out. on the same service at the same time.

Netflix’s Squid Game Unleashed premiered on December 17.

Here are the player rewards. By “money,” Netflix means gaming money. And the “wild symbol” means the chance to spin the game wheel to win more prizes.

  • Prize 1- 15,000 Cash. Free, requires 0 episodes to be viewed
  • Prize 2- 20 Wild Tokens. Watch part 1
  • Prize 3- 20,000 Cash. Watch part two
  • Reward 4- 25 Wild Tokens. Watch part three
  • Prize 5- 25,000 Cash. Watch episode four
  • Rewards 6- 50 Wild Symbols. Watch episode five
  • Prize 7- 50,000 Cash. Watch episode six
  • Reward 8- Binni Binge-Watcher Outfit. Watch episode seven (pictures below)

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