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Goonin Colon cancer: Symptoms and 4 processes reduce your risk

American cancer is estimated that there will be about 107,320 New cancellations of good cancer In the US in 2025. This is broken for 54,510 years of men and 52,810 in women. Fortunately, from 2012 to 2021, colon kels fell on about 1% every year – many adults. However, for people under 55, the trees grew up with 2.4% every year since 2012 to 2021.

Not to be disturbed by a diarrhea (with the same as shutdown of gastric cancer, which can increase the risk of cancer and solutions to risk. If you are worried, be sure to talk to a doctor.

What is the harbor cancer?

Colon is part of a large bowel; Colon Farms cancer here is the size of the polyp that make cancer cells on time. According to the Mayo Hospital, A Polyps are small And it can cause signs. Checking regularly reassessed, especially if you have a risks or show signs of a Clan cancer.

According to a Report from Yale UniversityColo Coosta Coostals likes the size of men to compare women. The tissues of columns are lower between women, but also probably with a gutter of construction, racial color of colon cancer.

Symptoms of column cancer

  • Blood from the rectum
  • Blood in the stool
  • The bowels do not feel something
  • Change in your bowels or unchanged
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Stomach pain regularly, unhappiness or cramps
  • Obesity suddenly

Health.Png advice

Colon Honethya

Increasing the risk of colonial cavial cancer combinations:

  • You are 50 years or older
  • The history of the column of gutter
  • Difficulty diseases like stomachs or Crohn’s diseases
  • Incorrectly tall foods with fiber
  • Brandy
  • Smoking
  • The ineffective life
  • Obesity

Methods to reduce the risk of gutter

  1. The light of cancer: The average person should begin to assess 65 cancers, but imagine the illustrations if you are adding it.
  2. Consumption: Including different fruits, the leaves and seeds in your diet to get their salt. Fruits, grapes, broccoli and brown rice, salt and antioxidants can be with cancer – to avoid goodness.
  3. Smoke and drink a little: You don’t have to Leave cold TurkeyBut these habits must be reduced to the stress of your intestinal cancer.
  4. Exercise: Exercise regularly can help to maintain the body and weight, which reduces the risk of columns. The 150 minutes of work each week, or 20 minutes until every day.

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