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The gaming industry of the future will love two consoles | DFC Intelligence

The gaming industry will not only grow in the next few years, but the experience in the hardware market, according to DFC Intelligence – are the only two winners of the three major manufacturers. The research and consulting company has released its annual market report and forecasts today, and one of the biggest things that consumers will find in their wallets are two new games, while the third one will struggle to find its place.

Previous DFC reports show that 2025 will be the beginning of a period of growth for the gaming industry, and this market report also explains this: It predicts that the industry will recover from the decline of previous years due to the exciting sector of new games and consoles. – the two biggest and most recent being the Nintendo console and Grand Theft Auto VI, both predicted in 2025.

The report also suggests that the gaming audience will grow along with the market itself. By 2027, DFC predicts that gamers will hit 4 billion, up from about 3.8 billion at present. Most of those 4 billion players will be “low-income,” meaning they won’t spend a lot of money on games. In contrast, the top 10% of spenders in the gaming community will account for 65% of video game revenue over the next few years, according to the report.

Two consoles are the best in the next few years

Along with the growth of the players, DFC also predicts the hardware market for the next few years. The new Nintendo console will be a growth driver, and the report suggests that it will have a stronger launch than the Switch, and more families will be able to buy multiple devices. This will be one of the biggest trends in hardware spending – DFC predicts that spending on hardware will hit $120 billion in 2028.

However, not every console will have Nintendo support, the report said. Both Sony and Microsoft will release a new console between now and 2028, but only one is expected to do well. As the next PlayStation and Xbox are full consoles at the moment, there is no way to know which one will perform better. It depends on the new consoles and the default settings.

In addition to hardware sales, the report also predicts changes in gaming revenue over the next few years. Add-ons and subscription fees will go beyond full game subscriptions, with single game subscriptions (eg MMOs) over multi-game providers (eg Xbox Game Pass). One of the biggest challenges the gaming industry is facing is distribution.

DFC Intelligence CEO and founder David Cole said in a statement, “Over the past three decades, the video game industry has grown more than 20x, and after two years of declining hardware and software sales, it is poised to resume strong growth at the end of the year.” 10. Although 2025 will be the beginning of the road to the top, some big questions remain, including who will lose the next type of war and who will win the game distribution war of permanent and permanent green, the opportunities for small studios will be abundant.”

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