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Before the Ish.4, don’t miss this IOS 18.1 on your iPhone

Apple is getting ready to loose IOS 18.4 in April, and the changes can bring New Emoo with Part of food in News News. But when iOS 18.1 came out of October, provided a number of apple format to people outside the EU and something that has iPhone 15 pro and a Pro Maxas well as any weapons in iPhone 16 lineAnd it was also like Call photography on all iPhones.


Country of land

Read more: Your IOS Patients 18

Here are some of the IOS 18.1 To look on your iPhone.

The phone writing comes to your iPhone

The phone call 877-446-6723

Call the number to be an amazing holiday.

Apple / Screenhot and CNET

With iOS 18.1, your iPhone now Type the calls. When you’re on the phone, you should see the sign in the hands of your powder that looks like a bar. Click this and start drawing your phone. If you start photography to call, the words that inform you with someone else to call the call late to hesitation. This works carelessly to talk to another iPhone or the user of Android.

After you have finished calling or quitting drawing, your iPhone will keep style on your app. You can play calls. New IPerders, as iPhone 14 Pro can see the texts of the invitations and texts, but old iPhones, as if iPhone XR, cannot.

Before applying this, please refer to the local order of the local text to recording in your community, only.

The form of Apple

Substantization of IOS lead to apple apple apples to iPhones, as To write the message weapons, Clean the device It’s a high signs. This means you can have your iPhone emails before sending, remove the disturbance from the pictures and more.

Before using this, you should Join the Apple Apple list. To do this, go Category> Applement Notift & Sir> Join the Apple’s intelligence Barren and to deal with Sign In. When approved, you will find the form of the above teacher.

To compare beside the apple of apple

Left with my first and to the right and the right is written by apple apple. I love my original, but with me just me.

Apple / Screenhot and CNET

But these are not all the wise skills coming to your iPhone. For example, the App’s Ai-Post Enenen Redorator In Dennojo Not included in these changes IOS, so they will be included with future changes.

This is only available to people outside the EU and China and has iPhone 15 pro and a Pro Maxintegrity iPhone 16 line. If you have a format of base iPhone 15 or below you will not be able to find this at this time.

Updated RCS modified

When Apple was released IOS 18, brought RCS to help use to the iPhones. And IOS 18.1, promotes this performance to include business messages. Before this, business messages are only available for the needy, so this can make it easier for many businesses to talk to the iPhones.

Changing Center Center

One of the top 18-of-story of the iphones was Resetting ResetAnd the Apple changed some of these in IOS 18.1.

It’s IOS 18.1, if you go to your guide station and wait, where you can find your Wi-Fi way, where you can see a few steps now than products. This is a little change, but it may be useful for giving you a regular opportunity on your drawing.

A specialist menu guide in settings. There is a solution of restoring your positions on her back

Apple / Screenhot and CNET

You can also add to the sides of the Wi-Fi, VPN, singer and satellite control between. In the past, the control of this will be in a peak, or on a connection page in a controllers, but you can’t add itself. Apple previously we will allow you to add Bluetooth control control control of a controlling area.

There is also a new field with a controlling measure you can add to your position control. The dosage and measure may be useful if there is no tape or boiling.

If you don’t like the way your government will be, the Apple added a recycling process of your back positions. Go Customs> Places control and to deal with Save the control position.

Change the first ID ID address

It’s IOS 18.1, Apple now allows you to change or add a new email address of your Apple ID. To do either, go Settings> Enter & Security. From here you can get the way Add an email or phone number or you can draw an existing address and invite the exchange near The first email. When you are your first email address set up, Apple will send messages to that address.

The pilot settings

Apple also changes the form of IOS 18 characters that gives you TAKE THE SPECIAL SHOULD in IOS 18.1. Now, if you can add your programs, it will be used in your tents on your screen, like a watch, a battery and calendar. Before that, the princes cannot be affected by tint, only software.

The weather is a faded

Apple / Screenhot and CNET

EPNEA recognition

Apple announced in September to apple apple 11 brings EPNEA recognition a variety of apple. Which was approved by US food and drugs. In terms of MacruorsIOS 18.1 Enables the Apple Models connected to the iPhone that is holding the program.

Enlarge Emoji keyboard

The other changes in IOS 18.1 is the size of the Emoji size. Now if you can enter your emoji keyboard and you are in the left, instead of seeing a part used regularly, you will see your sticker partition. If you rest, you will be a new in the new men who allows you to get your EmojiLets you to use it easily instead of emoji.

Emoo in the Emoji keyboard is also large than IOS 18. It is not a bad change towards the world, but does not exist.

Pull and drop and iPhone

According to MacruorsIf you have iPhone that is running iPhos 18.1 and macbook run Macos Sequooia 15.1You can easily drag the files from one device to another while watching your iPhone window. This can make the files between your equipment even more than ever.

Here’s all the IOS of Apple about IOS 18.1:

Apple’s Apple (all the iPhone 16, iPhone 15 pro, iPhone 15 pro).

To write tools

  • Writing tools that are available everywhere you will write, let you register, add to the summary of the text in the program you are working.
  • Reboot the various changes of your text to choose and explain to you.
  • Reading the word to you see that they are changing the things you are writing, if the way the grammar is the changes of languages.
  • Summary allows you to choose the text wherever you are writing and make the best summary.


  • A new appearance and fresh feeling that includes the light that tells you the edge of your screen, give the words of your words and lets you go to give up or stand when you talk to the sir.
  • Type not on Siri when you don’t want to speak loudly loudly on the ground.
  • Language understanding makes the Syri to follow if you stumble in your voice or change your mind.
  • A talk is stored on this study, that you can mean naturally on each item you’ve said in a recent request or something specified as soon as possible.
  • Product information helps you find the answers to thousands of questions about what’s made of Apple.
  • Additional information makes the noticed the most natural, clearly and clearly.


  • Photos search helps you find photos and videos to describe what you want.
  • Cleansers take off the mess of your photos.
  • Memories can be made to describe the story you want to see.


  • The abbreviations of notifications makes it easier to meet your notifications with a definite summary of information.
  • To reduce the disturbance with a new part of the most active notice that reaches to you when you stop disturbing.
  • A wise answer in letters and messages help you reply to the messages that have answers that have the mind.
  • The original messages in letters understand what’s in your messages and check what is required for your care, showing them on top of your box.
  • Summary of the texts listed you will give you a smarter summary of your recording photos or photography.


  • Invite the arts and notes you can give you to the Dess’s app, and advertise only what the phone is being photographed.


  • The camera control can exchange rapidly at the Trueeeepth camera (iphone 16, iPhone 16 plus, iPhone 16 pro max).
  • A photo photo, along with a video carrier, is found in the new camera camera (iPhone 15 pro, pro, iphone 15.


  • Feeling the sensation of the scientific tests condemned from the comfort of house (who want to use 18 years or more).
  • The discovery side of the feeling will give a chance, the help of diseases found in the best sense and music, movies and phones who have a mild-time problem for 18 years or more.
  • Feeling a Safety Screen Use of the Nature Districts across the species of Moms (available in the United States and Canada).
  • Things require Airpods Pro 2 with firmware 10B19 or later.
  • All things are not available to countries or regions, to research information:

The switch includes the following change:

  • A controlling area has new ways to add a tight controlle of the individual mode and recycled your configuration.
  • RCS business messages give you a chance to connect to businesses on RCS (require the help of carriers).
  • The App Store search helps you use a natural language to find the best you want.
  • The game of the games can be sent directly from App Apple program with friends, and the recipients can see invitations in a box of info.
  • It corrects the problem in podcasts while the most common components are written.
  • It repairs a news story of 4k 6k when the device may be a stamp when you make the video play pictures.
  • It reports the story that the digital keys will not open or start driving a vehicle in return or transferring directly from another iPhone.
  • It reports the story of the iphone 16 or iPhone 16 provols can cause.

Otherwise available to all parts or on all the Apple. A lot of Apple’s stores, please visit this page: 112100

More on iOS 18, this is what you need to know IOS 18.3 with iOS 18.2. You can see our IOS 18 Cheat.

Watch this: Macook Brook Interness that shooted me

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