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What can I tend to be a way of the US of the US?

Geopolinical Minesion markets are stressful markets, a question of the European weather seems to be the goal of trees from the continent, is doing well.

But the new Bookch report has a large pillars of Europe, security, and future respect, especially from the US

Highttech attracted € 15 billion ($ 16.3 billion) on 2024, according to the page of 1844 page of ATRALYST, Submit, Submit, Hi tomorrow. The report was also available that about one third of each of the European capitals will now exercise.

M & work that is located in a ride to $ 12.2 billion, the report said, but noticed the basic capital of larger leaning and Hicktech’s toilet is based on the continent.

However, the Hertech can also look like Hedge calmly “to degrade” center of the internet, he said the report.

By Lukas Lukas, which provides money from Lakestrar, told Zatiekisin to have many problems, and Hightech can be a key that opens the future of the continent.

However, the front road is no problem. US has a “flywheel results” Modern’s ecosygrial ecological ecosystems. “We have a floss of the” shallow place ‘. You see a long time, rising and switching, accumulate big companies. But not from higher companies. “

“Europe has strong organizations, engines, and publicly helps them, but it requires government adjustment in the culture that sustains causing danger,” added.

Arnaud de La La, Ceo Hi Good morning, said the idea of ​​the European-Service Eurce is openly open and Europe (…) many want to return to Europe because of the residents. But we need to have the right policy to open the type of resources we have. “

Leitner reported that European weakness in energy can result in its strong forces in a plotonics in combinations, which offers a lot of goodness in the run and success. “We are the best in Europe and pictures of drawings, because we have good laser ways, and we have the most important part of the pictures,” they said.

The Lou Lou, Agope added to the US would also use the US brain because science is only sown. “Scientists, the most supporting research surveys in the US has had a budding and half-cut. Many scientists do not have work,” and most likely.

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