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Make sure you get this amount of kidney health

According to the CDC, it says More than 1 in 7 US officials have kidney disease. This can cause serious damage to the fluid to build in the body, which causes health problems such as heart disease, excessive diseases, drugs, and lack of attention. The kidneys are important to make it possible.

To find your love love, there’s food you can add to your diet in the kidney name. Below, we write about 13 tissues of 13 basic eating, much you can have in the refrigerator or pantry.

1. Oil fish

Fish moves protein, and when you choose oily fish like fish, the Psalm or Trout, you will also find the oil-3. Omega-3 ounces of Omega-3 It can help reduce the amount of oil (triglyceridedes) in blood and can reduce blood pressure, depending on National Kidney.

If you have a ckd, you may need to look at the phosphorus and potassium that you choose. The foundation of National Kidney the chart you can use to determine the amount of fish. Although, it is best to discuss with your doctor.

The health care instructions

2. Cabbage

This The pierces It’s very small potassium and sodium and pick up in fiber, vitamins C and K and more more.

In addition, cabbage is different. You can use in salad and beaten, but you can also use it as tacos, sandwiches and more.

Red pepper between the cutboard

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3. The bell pepper

Like cabbage, Person bell packet in a good shelter with lower levels of potassium. Participated, you have a vitamins B6, B9, c and K, including fiber. Gives antioxaxants with.

You can cut them and feed them with water or sprinkle them and added dinner.

Read more: 8 Things Your Body tells you about your vitamins

4. Crageberries

Crunberries help prevent The urinary disease. This is usually in your habitat, can go to your kidneys, making kidney problems larger. Fortunately, eating cranberryry can help you avoid this.

Include, crunberries Have an antioxidants that can help you overcome inflammation, and can encourage you your heart and your health. So, these fruits are not for a table appreciated.

5. Breedries

We have discussed some of the best kidneys of the kidneys, but you can do it. The question is: Is it Diet helps fix the kidneys? Business offer.

It’s the main levels of antioxidants and loads of Vitamin C and fiber, blueberries are all healthy. They can help reduce swelling and support of bones, alternatives of some of the ones to come with ckd.

6. Darkness, leaves greens

There are many reasons to turn to the area, the leaves greed like spinach or before. Provides more foods they can help you The required vitamins and contentscombined with a precious security.

Produces can come with the amount of potassium. If you have a ckd, talk to your doctor before adding your own.

7. The olive oil

Heavy in antioxidants and fatty, olive oil can grow all your glory. A lesson from Harvard University They found that olive oil can reduce the amount of cholesterol and the risk of tone disease, dementia and other types of cancer.

Further, it can help to add the taste of plates without turning to salt or butter. To take many antioxants, select an unpreceded or cold fat or a virgin or maximum virgin.

8. Garlic

Another heavy food, tumor, warriors, garlic will also have another part-of-anchor. Of People with ckdAllicin – a active group found in garlic – worked correctly to protect the kidneys as drugs. If you are looking for the best foods of your kidneys, garlic has to make a list.

In addition, it’s the best way to add a smell on salty.

9. Onions

From the same family as garlic, onion Give you another good and salty way to add to the taste (points points if you are paid in the olive oil). Onions also supplies nutrients as important as vitamin B6 and c, manganese and copper.

They also have a quercetin, medications that can help your body with cancer, with sulfur that can reduce the risk of high blood pressure, rude diseases and heart.


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10. The cauliflower

Cauliflower It brings the crunch, attached to vitamin C, B6, B9 and K, along with fiber. Also, your body uses to improve some toxic, large support if your kidneys don’t work the best of the same match.

Cauflower has a potalum with phosphorus, however, although they have a list of good nutrients for the kidneys, people with ckd will want to exchange their home.

11. Whites

Europeans whites are mainly motivated for people with kidney problems. They give you a way of adding to your production parts – who can be required and ckd afterwards, especially if you are on dialysis.

12. Arugula

Arugula It is full of nutrients of your body needs as magnesium, iron, calcium, calcium and vitamins A, and vitamins, which can help your body protect us from the various types of cancer.

You can eat Arugla Raw (with a large entrance), but you can sprinkle it more than anything you’re writing. That’s good on pizzas, in the foelets and pasta, for instance.

13. Apples

Apples offered a queercetin against cancer and fiber which can help to run your cholesterol and blood in blood. They have a lot of antioxants.

Well, it’s easy to work in your diet. Leave apples of apples on your counter and you will have a kidney-healthy, quick, icon all the time when you want.

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