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One purpose of In the future It’s for Aware Ai from different organizations to talk openly and unpleasant. But until this point involves having sex, and these agents must have been imprisoned by different LLMS, Fraratwork and Code.

To achieve the relevant materials, the agents should fit as they can contact with each other. This is a difficult task.

A group of companies, plus CISCO, Belt, Llamindax, Glado with GleanNow we have made agntacy, along with the goal of making industrial industrial production. AGNTY wants to be simple to any assistant with the elaborates with someone else.

Includes the agents

“Like when the cloud and the Internet approached and sold for work and all that is running around the world,” says Visco with Cisco arm, dialogue with Vertebatabat.

Pandy typed agntcy in Advent of Sending Protocol / TCPocol (TCP / IP) and Domain (DNS)who contributed to the Internet cleaning and allowed to interrupt between various computer system.

“How we think about the problem is the original internet allowed to people with servers and moths to all come together.” This is the use of agents, and the only way to do this is to deceive it. “

Cisco, Langcain and Galileo will be like Agntacy’s Core Starters of Agency Starters have Glean and Llamindix as a coach. However, this may change as the supplier adds many members.

Re-renovation of moving companies

Aware Ai will not be islands. To achieve their fullest potential, they must contact other agents that lie outside the business network. This is where sex goes in.

To establish the standards in traditional industry is difficult; It is very difficult for technology as a s, whereas good change occurring every few months. However, this is not the first time to be the measure of the respondents.

Langchain, one of the agency members of Agntcy, has its protocol that works with agents made on famemellads except Langchain. A Agent app, Increasing in November, allows Langcha supplier to talk to the agents made with autoogen, Crewai or any other form.

Meanwhile, Anthropic announced A similar picture (MCP) in November. This protocol wants to reset the way to the equipment and the Ai weapons connect the data sources. But whereas many doctors are settled in MCP, it’s not exactly the same.

Yash serrt, are stored in Ai univenform Galileo, or exploitation of the colors “and suspicious.”

“The importance requires, especially, driving Vedocity to the use of use. These days, colonies in gut, should be aware of how to make their components made from the point,” says in the email. “Sociality of actions of a lot of different types is just as if supplied with those who do not like to have strong moisture on the test and to provide evidence and confidence.” “

He agrees that making ai supplier of AI helps can be difficult. AGNTCY “wants to promote these types of production, APIS and supplies of their needs instead of calculations, which may require to make it possible.”

Langchain CEO Harrison says in a communication that makes the standard that makes a standard.

“House builders are already happening. Replit, Kerna, LinkedIn, Uber, Terms of Assistance. This is what the regular agent can help,” said the Chase.

The tower and language at one time

Pandiey considers Agnticy than only the User Code. It will also help clients to find supporters from different groups who drive a agTY standard.

“Customers can bite on all these platforms on Agnty Tower so that they can recognize, have arranged, giving them to make their floods,” Pateea said.

Agntccy is still to repeat more players to add new assistant to the platform and find out as a standard. Besides, that something becomes a form of companies, it requires great settings, preventing the establishment of most compensation.

It’s where the supply of projects such as Agntntcy meets a great fight. Pandumine said to talk to many other players, and they want to have as many suggestions as possible to make a platform. This will take time.

Meanwhile, businesses continue to try even to try AG. Perhaps in the future, they will all address each other.

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