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The idea of ​​Lenovo Larlar PC is feeling like a tool that the time has arrived

You may be surprised to know that The first laptop with the sunshine panels She’s about 15 years old. But for me, a great shock and that is all the most recent items in Photovovotaltal, which make a regular recognition. But in MWC 2025, Lenovo changes this with his sloger’s idea.

Taking up 2.6 pounds and measured less than 0.6 inches of 1,6 inches in the sky, Okoga’s oath matching equal 14-inchil. And because the structure is not different from Lenovo family, it’s not going well. It has a decorative, up to 32GB of RAM, a fixed battery of 50.2 Whom 2 WHR

However, this is not as important as the sun’s cells associated in the presence. Lenovo says the panels used cellular technology to be sent with its buttons and grides can be placed on the back of cells. This allows the panels to provide 24 percent conversion, which is very well as it is best about how much you do from many home plans. In addition, the PC also helps the sunlisted sunshine to improve cells to increase the amount of energy to be collected.

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