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Is a low diet the answer to your digestive question?

If you have persistent digestive problems, you know that certain foods can wreak havoc Your intestines And cause various unpleasant symptoms such as chronic stomach pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation.

It’s hard to make you feel pain exactly, but researchers have found that eliminating diet is called low-point diet May help relieve digestive discomfort By identifying the food that is most likely to trigger it.

Obviously, if you have severe gastrointestinal problems, you should seek guidance from a qualified professional. But if you want to know if a low diet can help you Defeat the swell And keep your belly calm, which is what you should know.

What is a low diet?

Graphics show what is fodmap food | fodmap diet

Also known as the “fodmap diet” or “IBS diet”, a low diet can temporarily cut a specific set from the diet carbohydrate Known as fodmaps: fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. By eliminating and then reintroducing these carbohydrates – It is poorly absorbed in your intestines (if any) – You can start figuring out which high-effect foods your gut can tolerate and which foods make you feel…er, cr feet.

The researchers are Monash University In Australia Initial diet preparation Resolve the role of these carbohydrates in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Is a low photography diet healthy?

As a short-term therapy, a low-diet is a safe way to figure out which foods may cause stomach troubles, so you can get some much-needed relief. But many healthy staple foods – including many Beans,,,,, Whole grain,,,,, Fruits and vegetables – Rich in FODMAP, so you absolutely don’t want to ban all Fodmaps forever.

“We want people to eat these foods,” said MPH, RD Andrea N. Giancoli. “The idea is to determine more precisely which foods cause symptoms and slowly reintroduce the rest of the food. Balanced diet. ”

Why You May Need Professional Guidance

Elimination and reintroduction can be a complex process. So even if you might be tempted to fire the printable fodmap food list and go DIY route, it is important Talk to a nutritionist Who specializes in gastrointestinal diseases can guide you through each step.

“A lot can happen to the stomach and small intestine, so it’s important not to self-diagnose,” Giancoli said. “If it’s not necessary, you don’t want to do a phase-out diet or it won’t work.”

For beginners, the elimination phase is not as simple as forbidding all foods containing Fodmap. You may be able to tolerate certain small foods without triggering the symptoms. For example, wheat is subject to low photography dietary restrictions Single sliced ​​wheat bread From time to time.

The Fodmap food list is not as simple as it seems. For example, bananas are high fodmap when they are ripe, but low fodmap when they are not figured out. Beans are considered high-crumbing foods, but canned chickpeas and lentils tend to be lower in fodmaps, and smaller portion sizes may not trigger symptoms.

Reintroduction or challenge phase can also be tricky. Honestly, even with a range of low-crumbing foods on hand, most of us don’t know about our polyol disaccharides. A dietitian can guide you through the steps of reintegrating each subgroup into your diet.

“In a organized way to determine which foods and FODMAP populations trigger symptoms and which do not.” Alicia Galvin

Bottom line: Everyone has different tolerance for fodmaps. Working with a nutritionist can help you figure out what foods you should and shouldn’t eat – and how many – so your limits are not more than you need and lack more foods for healthy foods and key nutrients.

What foods can you eat on your low diet?

Pictures of low Fodmap food | fodmap diet

According to Monash University researchers, Low point food Get the green light during the elimination phase:

  • vegetable: Eggplant, mung beans, Bok Choy, pepper, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini
  • fruit: Hami melon, grapes, kiwi, mandarin orange, orange, pineapple, strawberries, immature banana
  • Dairy and Alternatives: Almond milk, toast room, feta, hemp milk, hard cheese, lactose-free milk, soy milk Soybeans made from soy protein extract or “cast”
  • protein: Eggs, sturdy tofu, pure boiled meat, seafood, beans
  • Cereals and alternatives: Corn (cob, tortilla, tortilla, popcorn), vegetable fruits (puffs), oats, bourgour, quinoa, millet, brown rice, brown rice, buckwheat, sorghum, spelled sour bread, wheat/rye/wheat/barley without bread
  • dessert: Dark chocolate, maple syrup, rice malt syrup, meal sugar
  • Nuts and Seeds: Macadamia nuts, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, walnuts

What foods should you avoid?

Pictures of high food on Fodmaps | fodmap diet

The following high photography foods should usually be avoided during the elimination phase and gradually reintroduced with the help of a nutritionist.

  • vegetable: Artichokes, asparagus, cauliflower, garlic, green peas, leeks, mushrooms, onions, sugar peas
  • fruit: Apple, cherry, dried fruit, mango, nectarine, peach, pear, plum, watermelon, ripe banana
  • Dairy and Alternatives: Milk, creamy cream, evaporated milk, ice cream, soy milk Made of soybeans (rather than soy protein extract or “gift” soy beans), sweet condensed milk, yogurt
  • protein: Beans, marinated meat, processed meat
  • cereals: Wheat/rye/barley bread, breakfast cereals, snack products
  • dessert: High fructose corn syrup, honey, sugar-free candies
  • Nuts and Seeds: Cashew nuts, pistachio

Can a low diet lose weight?

You may simply be because you eliminate a lot of sugar, but you may lose a few pounds – but that doesn’t make this weight loss diet.

“I never recommend this diet to lose weight, just as a therapeutic diet,” Calvin said. “Weight loss requires long-term diet and lifestyle changes, and low-diets are not intended to be followed for a long time.”

Plus, this is not a foolproof weight loss plan. Not only does a low diet make finding healthy recipes more difficult, but you can still overuse them on FODMAP-approved foods such as meal sugar and dark chocolate. But if you are dealing with digesting troubled gases, bloating, and other related discomforts, soothing symptoms may be a priority for quick weight loss.

It has repetition: This is not a do-it-yourself digestive strategy. But while a low photography diet is not easy, under the guidance of your physician and registered dietitian, this may be an effective way to determine which foods are confused with your gastrointestinal system and help you get some relief.

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