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Jeff Bezos agrees online is better than Washington page

Azon, Washington Work, and Lizard Devourer Jeff Bezos reported the Wednespents Wednesday for the Internet to be better than their newspaper. Then she put in her future conclusion: he wants her OP-ed authors of OP-ED Author “Market” and “Market,” two things that are disrupting with a Trump’s white house.

Bezos sent directly to be sent to workers this morning. Then he wrote the text of the e-mail on x that everyone can see it.

“We’ll be writing every day by supporting and defending two pillars: released with free,” bezos said. “We will write down the topics, but the points against the pillars will be left to be sealed.”

Then Bezes spoke a key factor. “There was a time when the newspaper was a newspaper, especially one of the local ruler, may not have considered it as a job to bring all the mornings. These days, the internet will do that work.”

Bezos has allowed the part of Washington’s mind to kill all the newspaper. It was, one time and even under the fold, the best story. Now it’s a shadow of her ancient. Has the media, some of them have been removed, some who had left- lost thousands of thousands of subscribers.

In front of 2024, Bezos entered to block the paper to accept the President’s approval of the President Harris. The Tech Billoire purchased the paper in 2013 and there was a beautiful arms so soon. The Trump’s authentication was changed this. Its extensively to use the OP-EPR website as an adjective for her attitude. After the habit, they wrote to protect themselves as an employee as a “tireless truth” Do not believe in a story.

Some of the benefits of bezos say is true. Internet welter (like myself) to pay the most of the events in the major parts of the big newspapers and the shop. The New York Times and Wall Street Journal offers the secret of global events every time afternoon. The pages are sucking.

If I want to read a happy or comforting situation or challenging information about the day, reading someone’s story. Blood on the machine I will tell me a lot about what’s going on with Ai than David Brooks say in New York Times. A foreign exchange provides a picture of the world’s conflicts that make whatever the hell grows Pedestal.

Humans do not believe in subjects. People are hungry to know more and the first reports. New articles and new articles that provide well-known articles and comments starting fame. Wild has done seen a large amount Registered for the best Dorgies and Trump Administration.

People do not rely on ancient media who has purchased and pay billions. They don’t believe in history. They do not believe that Washington post is because it’s bezos debt. It refreshes him to express his wishes. There will be no pretense of photographed accordingly in the part of the Op-ED. They have the item, and they want to see what calls a Greek message in his pages.

“The largest part of the American civilization has been financially financial and otherwise. Freedom and worthiness – reduces the ability to improve, causes, and improved,” said it, “said.

Bezos tell the truth. Personal Freed and Free Markets are shot in the United States of America. It’s important points to protect right now.

The President whose bezos stopped near the opening places caused in the absence of the absence of all their rights and free markets. This morning, Trump asked an apple-What to take away a company of personal company Vendor ads to keep them. Of course, Trump’s, yes, it is different from the free way of financial markets.

This arrangement also occurs for women’s beat, gay, and people. Trump wants to push the translators From the warstill evacuation The legal distinction that allows them to have public notes that show that they are known, and corrects the biggest control of women’s rights in the past tenth century.

I’m sure all this will come to the amazing Washington posts, bezos places soon will be a suggestion of the idea on this important topic. I’m not reading. There is better idea that topics, wherever online.

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