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Imagination that causes D-Argure GPU mobile phones of calls

Teminolon to imagine told you a recent GPU IP, Dxtp, which sets up a new standard of
Run the best graphics and commoding compositions on mobile phones and other devices strong.

Due to the number of micro-construction, Dxtp runs the best to 20% work successfully (FPS / W) on a specified form of the same site.

The DTTP GPO IPI reaches battery life when we are chasing pictures and cotiting Controls on the phone and other stress-stressful equipment.

London-on-on the mind has changed very much. The company announced AXT GPU list of 2019, then with Batter in 2020 and CERT in 2021. Their permissions after 18 months after the announcement.

The mind is responsible for her Dxtp.

Reasoning is controlled in markets from cellular weapons to drive to cars. Last year, pushed in the research field that was already in the past GPUS-PPUSTPS of desktops or games.

“Smartphorphorphorphorphorphorphorphorphorphorphorphorphorphorphorphorpharth, a friend studied with a surveys.” However, the success of the Ai-Standardization. the battery. When the spring goes, consumers are the best tools that largely combines these predators of this advances. “

To give up to 64 Gpixel / s, 2 tflops fp32 and 8 tips Int-infact engine of Ultra-Intery

In addition to performance and control, Dxtp is a lot of changes, and make up the full-grade of GPU 100 (via lower levels of lower case, based on the stance). And they can control the drawings and performances at the same time.

Cheng’ Jeng Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen cheen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Dxtp mu Zelos, kunena za Chip, m’mawu athu. “Gucu’s ideas include the Ultra – Interesting to the construction of the construction of the original construction, which makes the best tower when to increase our species.”

Aii Popoth’s starting a new wave.

DxtP is supported by the SDK Positions with SDK and the best weapons. It sends the most commonly available books of GPU services in Ai’s unique acts, as well as spelling of one and tenrographs.

Nicert’s support of GPS monitoring is very supportive of Ai on Android. The software produces have a powerful forces of small analysis, and to work, and the agents who think.

Ai planning should be appropriate.

James Map – Many Makes, says: “Many, it is true of the outstanding benefits,” says James Rangelimer of Inciar, in the words. “Using the best and a strong change within DXXP will help the future buttons to move the next games of sport and use less energy than ever.”

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