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Dan Rans is about to close another $ 3B bag

Money that causes money is on the road to restrict the 3rd fund for the third end of March, according to people near the company. Peter’s Pether plant is up $ 3 billion, the source ended with techcrncy and Axios reported.

A bag, made mainly to sell his Portfolio Money, expected to be addressed.

The past Money $ 3.4 billion Arxual at the beginning of 2022 and are completely replaced in industry as a run, which To raise $ 200 million in April. Funds a fund causes the new lifting, queue to be $ 2.5 billion circles in $ 28 BILION, CNBC said. Source has been proven by a Techcronch That the part will be the biggest amount of money you were written. It is not known whether the company was reported $ 1 billion At Aberil could be able to be due to 2022 $$ 3.4 billion.

Its purpose will not grow with mariners to the first industry when it has already blessed three years ago. The plans of the intestines have been disturbed between the size of the eighth of $ 1.8 billion in 2023, Axios said. $ 900 million was pushed in the ninth largest number of ninth.

That’s why there is plenty of joy of this new pocket. When most files for many more products produce a lot of money, or at least trying to keep it Their Peak Peak Diseases of the ZERP-ERA, the roar bag decreases the size.

Advertisers who have a reason to make it. The first programs have a problematic profile of companies that do not include sparkil and strap, and vitui.

The amount of cash refuses to comment.

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