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NASA supporting NASA River from this place: How to check

Most of us we will not go to places, but this week you will not have access to someone who is there. NASA has announced the original shock of NASA. The river prepared Wednesday, Feb. 12, at 11:45 AM ET (8:45 AM PT) on NASA The way to knock.

The action will indicate the rounds of Nasa Son Pettit, who joined the Second group in September as part of Expepeped. Pettit is known by many Significant photos They often ship attending meetings. Will be combined with the Waior of Naa Ciyck, who are currently back with October After late with Milton Storm. Dominick has been taken again Some pictures of the brightest from the donkey.

Read more: Caller’s Sun wiams writing a profile on the Spacewalk outside the ID

The two will be tossed chat and discussed things as daily life on the matter and what it likes to do research. Shall say about how citizens work with NASA, including projects and softwares Field.

“This trailing event is the first part of many,” Brittany Brown, Com Concictor of Naasa, said Blog post office. “We talked to the Digile Digile to Tont Tottal related to the rivers, and spread the same rivers. Transpont is one of the digestions of digestions and enjoy all things.”

Appropriate to see the NASA stream

From talking about the walls of the applations, our experts are currently able to help make the world slightly.

To see the river, just to get in Easy Time to NASA Time 11:45 amet on Feb. 12. The river will be like any other fields to spend and watch, except this one over 250 miles away on the surface of the world.

Chings can be stagnant sometimesHence, hopefully, Na’s caring in the pursuit enough of the situation.

Not the first shivers to NASA

This is not a basis of the original NASA NASA NASA on Amazon Hot from outside of the world. Agency has moved to a walking place on the land And his tower + in the past.

However, this will be the first river that people on each other have the opportunity to participate in Europeans, ask questions and communicate with people instead. Before the floods were a lot of shape.

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