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Agents answer the Russian competition with a detailed o3-mini

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Regains now indicates the details of O3-Mini, its recent version. A change was announced The XX account and comes like Ai lab and So stress With Dariseek-R1, open version that reflects its dolls.

Types like O3 and R1-based “(COTs) how to make the best of the problem, to discuss the last answers. In the past, the Tops of Twea’s idea. This made it difficult. This made it difficult For users and manufacturers to understand the suggestions of the next and change their instructions and encourage them to take the lead in the right way.

Tsetai saw that it was one of the competition and hiding to stop the cords to train their colors. But with R1 and other open colors showing their all the plansThe lack of visibility is toas.

New version of O3-mini shows a lot of cot. Even though we still didn’t see the weakers, it brings out the best of the mind.


Spiritwe the previous attempt On O1 and R1, we found O1 it was better to meet data analysis and problems. However, one of the most important features were that there is no way to get the mistakes – and they often make mistakes about the world found online. On the other hand, the R1 of R1’s name helped us to overcome the problems and change what we want to be discussed.

For example, in one of our experiments, all these types failed to provide the correct answer. But because of the idea of ​​R1, we realized that the problem was not only alone but also a repeated part of the Internet. In some tests, R1 ideas were able to give us the feelings of failure to explain what we gave, while O1 will only give us a summary of the answer.

We tried a new version of O3-Mini on the variation of the test we had done with O1. We gave the picture with a file with various stocks from January 2025 to January 2025. The file was quiet and mixed. Then we asked the nation to read the profile value of the £ 140 in January 2024 to January 2025.

Co3-mini helped exactly this time. First, for example, he was flooded to be filled to help (to make the problem in the STOCK.

It takes a lot of testing to check the boundaries of a new chain, due to the opening covers. But by our vibe checks, it seems that this new color is very helpful.

Which means the opening

When the Dighteek-R1 was released, they had three clearly clearly clear, open dialog, was open, low and bright and attractive.

Since then, tenti has been able to shorten the difference. When OOD ON $ 60 MPI MISSIFIES SOLUTION, O3-MINI $ 4.40, I’m flexible O1 on many parts. R1 costs about $ 7 and $ 8 million tokens on US. .

With new COT changes, tlowoi has been able to work on the problem of appearing.

Seemed what will open do for opening its colors. Since her release, R1 has already been updated, and maintained by ABA or more companies that may be the desired format to be considered. Tolweai CEO Sam Altman approved “was”on the wrong side of history“In opposition to difficulty. We must see how this authentication will appear in the future open.

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