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Nih Trump’s Nih Sace just started scientific magazine

Carl Bergstrom, a evolutionary doctor, believes that the magazine is one of the efforts to continue to set up scientific settings. “If you can make a deception that there is no idea of ​​the idea of ​​the suggestion, vaccine and masks and ways to use the corresponding epidemic, then you can push uncertainty, and you can push the uncertainty,” says it. Friends, saying, can provide the smooth covers who want to make decisions and can be used in court.

When they reach the phone on Thursday, Kokllorff says Bhattachary and Madire was reached to be the President’s arrangement. “Meanwhile, it doesn’t work for a board,” he said. .

Kolllloff urged her to keep the book with a polished story. “I think that it is important that scientists publish what they think they think it’s worth scientific, and then it must be open, rather than forbidden people to don’t compare.

Kokllorff and Andrew Noymer, Epidemiologist in UC IRVine who has been The teaching of a lab From Covid, is called the media. Scott Atlas, who was deposited by Trump to serve to the White Coronavirus Force Assemble in 2020, it is also called Edionial Board. Atlas, radiologist and education, made Personal inquiry that masks don’t work to prevent cornvirus spread.

In January, Noymer wrote secretly to Ophantharse OPHans Nihahans NiH. In it, laud Bhattachariaa for thinking freely with different ideas. That OP-ED were published In Renclearpolitics.

Angela Rasmussen, American and scientist scientist at the Saskatchewan, saying that the magazine can be used and corrects the theological ideas of leaf. “I don’t think this to give us credit with real scientists. But people can’t figure out the differences between the newspaper of Academy, Health Health and New Year Artostother,” says.

Taylor Dotson, professor in Mexico Institute of Migo and Technology who studies science and politics, which is said to be the answer to the offers. If it’s been confirmed, Bhattacharya and Major boss can be Robert F. Kennedy Jr.Trump examination to guide the health department and activities of people, known to believe in various beliefs, including the connection between the vaccine and delivery does not occur because of HIV.

Dotson warns that there is a risk that the presence of other trips associated with other political suggestions can increase science written. “The worst and start to have a powered tournament with the power populist and anti-settings with the trips of people who read NPR and New York.”

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