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Volkswagen does not reveal the amount of $ 21,000 in the entrance in March

Volkswagen is working on A lift car This products will sell on a price of the foundation of € 20,000 ($ 21,000). The company has already given its first-looking worker employees at Wolfsburg, Germany, which announced a new version. Volkswagen plans to produce the nation to people early, even the designer breeds will not be ready to 2027.

The only useful user reveals the details of the coming of or the color, but it will be one part of the modern-looking cars that include ID.2ALL. Volkswagen, which revealed ID.2ALL idea In 2023, its type of design is designed to be rich in 2026. Although the type of € 20,000 is too low of Volkswagen. Will have the cost of € 25,000 if it is available. It is not very clear if the type of entrances will be released around the world, since Thomas SCägen’s SCägen ​​is called “Volonagen, the most beneficial, and beneficial eurpeople from Europe.”

Volkswagen has been sold more than 1.35 million vehicles around the world since it caused the ID of the ID in 2019. This number includes 500,000 ID.3 Was sold last year. One of the Company’s Companion is waiting for ID.BZZThe electronic vehicle containing the contents of the content has a number of $ 59,995 in the US.

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