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Uber files of advertising files in the New York team arguing

Uber has been exchanged by a legal food and medical professional, who think of the vehicle’s damage and unnecessary surgery to make an insurance system of insurance, Slightly reported. The team also said that the vehicles cars participate and give many many surgery.

Driving the items that are noted with new york insurance, which is very wrong, especially as using Cab and Ridrelhare Ouffer. The city will set up the employees who pick up the money to $ 200,000, 4 times that requires the only drivers to have a germination.

There are some problems behind the statement. Insticument City Guitional Guitional, ATIC (American Insurance Co)), which guarantees about 60 percent of 120,000 vehicles to hire, recently. Uber was banned last year, say that “his actions” that rejected 24 trials against uber, pressure to do with self-credentials.

On top of this, an antices that have saved $ 450 million to put the cow in December, too to seek out the damage to doctors and other insurance. What has left New York with a large confusion around the towering of soldiers, so the Kabsa Kathay Hoal soon not to be easy to exchange vehicle insurance.

Uber has been pushing insurance and a change of a couple of governments to handle the insurance cost of their business. The company recently That the $ 328 million places with New York RIGOGER, who was bothered in the middle of 2014 and 2017.

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