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Trump orders agencies to override California’s policies that “improperly charge” water deliveries

President Trump ordered U.S. government agencies to annul California water policies as needed, criticizing the management of the state of wildfires in the Los Angeles region in an executive order this head of Week.

“Firefighters could not fight fire due to dry hydrants, empty reservoirs and inappropriate water infrastructure,” he said.indicated order. “It is in the interest of the nation to ensure that California has what it needs to prevent and combat these fires and others in the future.”

By writing that “it is the United States policy to provide in southern California the necessary water resources”, the order ordered federal officials to “immediately take actions to annul the existing activities that improperly charge the efforts to maximize the deliveries of water. ”

The order is still Comments made by Trump On Friday before visiting Los Angeles, at which point he said he would condition federal forest fire assistance, both in the voters’ identification terms and the release of more water in the northern California throughout the state.

Trump has itrepeatedly arguedThat California officials could have increased the flow of water in Los Angeles from the northern part of the state simply pumping more resources.

Earlier this month hewent so farAs to ask Governor Gavin Newsom (D) to give up, as well asaccusing himFailure to sign a statement that would have “allowed millions of gallons of water, from excess rain and northern melting snow to flow daily to many parts of California, including areas that are currently burning in a practically manner. apocalyptic. “

The Newsom Office rushed to report the allegations as “pure fiction”, saying “there is no document such as the water restoration declaration” and that Newsom “is focused on protecting people, not doing Policy and ensure that firefighters have all the resources.

Water experts have supported the state’s claims, emphasizing that California supply problems are not as dry as Trump described, and that hydrants stopped working briefly due to acute demand problems.

Trump probably referred to a proposal he issued during his first administration that sought to redirect the water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta in northern California (the “Bay-Delta“) In the central valley rich in agriculture. California officials ended up submitting a lawsuit Against the federal government, disputing the order for the reason that pumps the most would harm the fish protected by the law of endangered species.

However, in fact, Los Angeles gets much of his water elsewhere38 percentDrinking water by 2023, the most recent year with data available, coming from the Los Angeles aqueduct. The aqueducttransports waterFrom the Owens River valley to the east of Sierra Nevada to the city, more than from the north of the bay-Delta.

Another 9 percent of the city’s drinking supply came from local groundwater and 2 percent recycled wastewater, while 51 percent was imported from the metropolitan district of adjacent water in southern California. Only30 percentThe water in the metropolitan district originates in the northern part of the state, while 20 percent comes from the Colorado river and 50 percent form a mix of other resources.

However, Trump’s executive order includes a section entitled “California’s disastrous policies”, which requires several heads of department “to quickly take all measures, in accordance with all applicable authorities, to guarantee appropriate water resources in southern California. “

The document also calls on the Federal Complaining Office to “take all the measures available to ensure that the state agencies, including the California Water Resources Department, do not interfere with the operation of the Recovery Office project to maximize the Delivery of water to people with high needs. “

In response to Trump’s order, Tara Gallegos, Newsom spokesman,said to Reutersthat “Trump is not aware of how water is stored in California or is deliberately cheating on the audience.”

“There is no imaginary spike to make water magically appear in a wildfire, despite what Trump states,” added Gallegos.

Kierán suckling, executive director of the center for biological diversity, issued a statement denouncing Trump’s administration to “take advantage of salmon and endangered smell” in a way that “has nothing to do with The forest fires of the “.

“It is disgusting to see this useless attack on California water management,” said Suckling. “And it is disgusting that Trump continues to threaten to keep the funds of relief desperately host.”

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