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Youtube can be notifications from the methods you don’t look

YouTube is trying Turning notifications From the travelers don’t participate in trying to disrupt the amount of notifications they receive. The video platform says the test will help the viewers choose to receive “all” from the way.

In testing, notifications are still available in a box of notifications, but the “observers who have not talked to a recent identification. Purpose and find the observances not to put Madvies completely due to receipts.

YouTube Manufacturers ask people to sign up and show the information to be a new video exalted. The problem is, when you agree to receive “all”, you will like to love again for what is not new. There is a way Keep your notifications. To the designer who wants to expand the number of people who view their videos, unable to rely on the information to press the enrollment of the subscribers.

YouTube thinks that some observers should not receive notifications from a given way of viewing as a very stable solution, but still. The company explains the test as “small,” but it may be the most common contact method of giving information to attract people.

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