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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Long-term easy riding – Bionicoldguy

I had a two-hour relaxing cruise yesterday in pleasant weather. The Coyote Creek Trail was flooded from the nearest rains, then submerged southward and then southward to Gilroy to the easy-to-travel rural road on the east side of the valley. During the warm-up, I was insane and almost rode the back of the trailer as I was daydreaming instead of looking at where I was going. I turned, panic stopped, but lost my balance and slowly fell. No harm. The cool part is that the two independent drivers in the pickup truck stopped to make sure I was fine. It’s great to be reminded that there are many good people in the world.

When I left for the bus, my wife always said “have fun and be extra careful” and I promise I will. I think we have to change it to “extra caution”. 15 mph no more daydreaming!

Ford on the Coyote Creek Trail was flooded. If this season is typical, it won’t be clear until May. Fortunately, there are detours if you want to go further north.

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