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A pioneer, N8n overseer releases $ 60m to AI-Portflow drivers

To make equipment changes quickly with ai. So the companies that are making it easier to be in their own floods to see interest. After the start of the name of n8n .

Now the back of this growth, Techcrnch has confirmed N8n raised € 55 million ($ 60 million) on the content of € 250 million ($ 270 million).

A BRINT-FROM THE N8N says it has more than 3,000 customers and users in 200,000 years. The sincere will use this list B to continue selling in Tech and added new markets as US, at home to n8nn users. The company does not disclose money, and the client code includes all free and paid users, as well as those who are enrolling and longer.

England Europe leads to the circle, and HV bay and Bay Bayquia, Felicis, and HadPoon also participate. Sequoia led a rounded seed to N8n in 2020; Felix list of In 2021.

Since, which is set up in 2019, took a part of the first years from riders who are looking for the smallest methods and there are no solutions to problems in different ways.

It took special interest in another reason, N8n made a profile in the construction of “The best code. ”

Good Code is a way of introduction. Software users use a free number, but when they want to work on the sale of the seller, it sets up to the points to make a decision or group. Jan Oberhauser, the founder of N8n CEO, came with the idea and driving a leaf devoted to a good code.

But when N8n is built on the correct code and jumping to the open team to grow up with the words in the mouth – has 70,000 “Stars” on Gitib – The company says that they get out of AI AI that was her ship.

Ai, and preferably AIiani, is a sophisticated way – a thing that lasts Tide with Dotto hugged, just as others with a fixed chance Uopath.

If a reduction and lower-case method has been able to be used in a busy process and pulling the programs or services work together, as Ai version returns to the technology in a mix.

The year and a half ago, Obahauuser said, “We can see this that comes.” He was very exchanged until the commercial site can be used, to reduce the amount of work that makes the manufacturers to use the instructions to be a natural language.

“I’m just making work active,” is the way Obeliuser describes. “People do not need to write 50 lines of code to include the functional work of, say, send it.” Now in a natural language, you can write “Find information from x and send to y,” said. “We see the profit by changing things.”

The product was made with a combination of text, and the idea is when users are already used, they can exchange the n8n platform. And if a regular tower, N8n has a lot of Assistant Group This holds on the platform like gitib, participating in the form to enhance some manufacturers and questions, and to build and use the tums made by others. (N8n also has made a number pre-tags.)

Even with all the hype and the hopefulness of the wise and mit, Ai-system N8n took a while to pick up, without lifting. Then last year, there was a curve.

Why? Maybe the weight of a number of things coming together. There was a shower of the chat around Ai by writing, and companies if In case, InteractionAnd Spell All are raising a lot of money after several months. And inside of the use of self-employed, channeli to know how to use ai.

But there is a lot of hype and talk out there again, too, and finally n8n easy to use with users that have passed with users, and sellers.

Each person is trying to resolve the disease but are striving to find practical activities, “David Byghton, a friend who led, told me.” System, and N8n fruits are what allows people to follow. “

Oberhaser admits that even “it took a while to happen,” It’s reported to approximately 75% of all N8n clients are using Ai’s equipment.

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