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Hazelight Capts can go to games to the film

Less than one month after initiating, Hazileon’s game ‘ Share a tale can be The next games Updated film.

At Variety“Many top studs” are in a fight in the battle of the game. The kitchen of a story, which has helped the recent changes Tomb Raider with Liab Mark moviesIncluding throwing, writer, and the officer to be dragging to the consumers. At the time of writing, or recorded in kitchen or color-particularly, the originator / founder. = V = smrp5tla-s4

However, fluctuations appear. Hollywood holding Any sport that can bring a movie or tv, and Share a tale It’s been great. The game, which is played completely in Co-OP, stars scheduled Mio and Zoe. At a convention with a member of the shipment, the machine made to abandon each other’s ideas. Based on this book, you can consider how interesting video, should it be updated.

It also helps Share a tale It’s been the most popular: Highly opened and sell more than 1 million copies of several days after the cause, which grew up 2 million copies within a week. To the publisher EA, this is more than her greeting to bring his games to a movie and TV; a Mass results display are coming to a new video, and Hazelight’s 2021 Co-OP It takes two it is reassessed in sooner.

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