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To introduce each week: Wiz bets to pay in the M &gers

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It’s rarely to get rid of 1-photo finding to start 11, stop the biggest value in one week. And there are some little signs that things seem strangely surprisingly.

The most exciting news from the week

Kabel A Rapprort - Wiz
Pictures drawing:Kimberly White / Betty / Flickr (Opens in a new window) under CC by 2.0 (Opens in a new window) The license.

This week had brought us a lot of money, new ones, as well as sometimes the boiling disputes.

Betle paid: With took the main veins Because of Wiz to leave to Google’s money about 40 years ago, but it was appropriate. Google Now We’ve agreed to pay Draw $ 32 billion in money To buy the start of a cloud, plus $ 1 billion in reserves.

This outlet can be a great thing drink to many, but especially at the VC of Israel, which will Back to 200x on its original foods.

Blind: A group of soft will find a roashed chipmem In $ 6.5 billion all the expected of closing in the second half of 2025.

Reset: The next insurance is available with German Munichy For $ 2.6 billion.

Dreams to make: NIVIDIA says he found Data products made from the start of the nine-island of its recent $ 320 million.

Ears and Bolts: The old CEO’s Ceo Start Bolt Bolt and start a new Starmer. SPANK AI, as it’s called, They make the pages of observations to the consumers according to what they searched or sleeping.

The Bobovers of General The Great Great Expert In Superperund turned off Google To make the General AiThe starter of the tread which is already inferred with nvidia, with a goal “to make genuine foops-real carots.”

Instead: Shortly thereafter Be a Wmaalpl friend instead of competition.

Family: Unicorn Flexport rules are Specked by two old people The one who created a fumer of Ai, says he stole documents and code, which the two relates too much.

Hr Drama: The HR Techning Company It’s a regular competition In cases, especially concerning an employee that only means that it is working as a dee of Deel. Deel refused to say something.

The best news of VC is money this week

Evaroc Coey and Starting Tagaias åströmöm.Pictures drawing:Euro

Here are some beneficial articles that, there may not be an unexpected event this week.

A European cloud: Evrooc, the start of Sweden requires to build “safe, control, and a regular cloud” from Europe “from Europe, extended to Europe $ 55 million in the money list.

No delayed: Spain Hr Utectorn Safe $ 120 million from the General Support. This is not equal or debt loan, but a laundry loan.

Ways to help: Graphite, the Ai’s light tower secured $ 52 million b around Guided by thcl, to participate in anthrolology’s fund and others.

Ai -akuka: Food E-Commerce Stargream Gubhoni $ 50 million prity g equity around In the need for more than $ 3.5 billion and said it will save money for technology nearby, including Ai.

Upbeat: A looks of the vocal voc To raise $ 500 million To get a new bag in a certain signature.

Money for sale: Since then, the beating of Al Gores generations, Update $ 175 million From Microsoft’s Tripein’s Fund and Carsrs.

Last but not least

And combine his friend Michael Seedel
Pictures drawing:Kimberly White / Getty Pictures

Shortly after Y Colinator’s W25 Sunday Day And a couple weeks before the spring, the lights announced Drawing from one-CEO Michael SeedWho had already changed to have a small part and now with “a friendly friend.”

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