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They work easily on the iphone app

Apple has been established IOS 18.4 In April, the update that can bring your iPhone New Emoofresh part of food In the Apple’s story and more. But when Apple was released iOS 18 In September, this change brought new to your iPhone, as the ability to change your The home screen and hiding and close some programs. These changes were added to a transfer program to the calculator.

Tech instructions

This means you can change things like money, heat and all weight from your calculator without opening the site or use visible spaces.

Read more: Everything you need to know about IOS 18

This is how you can use your reading app to move quickly.

How to use the updates

1. Open your accounting app.
2. Click image on the lower left side of your screen next to 0 numbers.
3. Click to exchange near Convert.

The use of the countys – a place on top of the number and buttons – split into the woods and bottom of different things. Randomly, you will enter the upper prices and the bottom is what you turn to. If you connect the arrows on your left, which enters the opposite direction and turn on top.

To change your conversions, as a distance or region, click the price sign to the right of your file value or down. When this lifts the menu when you can search for different units by entering them in the search wound on top of menu.


Apple / CNET

You can also jump with Carrouseel under the search bar and put in different groups, such as sites, money and heat and warming. Click in a group you want, then click the correct part, then if you want to change grams of key, click Weight afterwards Kilo.

When you choose unit, you will be returned to Screen Screen. Now, you have to buy next mark next to the other tree – top or bottom – and select what you want to change. You should already be in the correct group that you can choose a part of your sorting, so if you want to change the grams, you need to buy Pound.

Now if you see a secret that calls 500 grams of pasta, you can change quickly if you can learn the amount of pasta.

More on iOS 18, this is what you need to know IOS 18.3.2, IOS 18.3.1 with IOS 18.3. You can check your iOS 18 cheat paper.

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