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Tanki strikes to threats one of the most important oceans in the UK

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Oil carriers carrying oil as soon as possible with a cargo ship when they are in an anchoram of 15 from East Coast in England. This caused a large explosion and black smoke and black smoke, while an unknown fuel of the flock of the ride in the sea.

We are religious experts at Hull university, a city near the event. We know the beach with the lake. Although it is very original to say exactly what the results will be, we know that this discharge makes this British coastal beach – to not have a commercial fish.

The beat was done Rapes of securely protected areathe area of ​​dry sand that helps many varieties. This includes the sea queue, a nice clom to be more than 500 years. The area also helps like numon fish, grice, and skit in Europe.

This hair passes by the ones chosen to protect A Place and near Hurberry Show and its Top Tops, sandstones, and mountains Where thousands of thousands of thousands of winter times have some other important times, like gray and gray seals.

The main case of UK Flamboough and Filey Goast. More than 250,000 birds happen every year, including the amount of Guillmots and tumors. They also have varieties about caring like Ginnets, Kittaws, and puffins.

A picture can have a meat of animal and puffin

The sea birds return to Flamburgh to activate the weather conditions in March.

Photographer: IIFASA Stewart / Target photos

To the south Protected It’s a requirement The Respons of Seals. The bath, where four rivers did not have 70 miles, lessened by cocktails from the tank beat. The area has a large amount of salt and other vital space for more than winter birds.

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