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All the odd questions we maintain the future of the end of the end

Oh, we were wrong why At the end of Januaryonly three parts in the second season of Long. We never knew it at all The neck of the salt was, or where Ms. Casey has been He left! We can have the best idea about what the hell is going on as Apple TV + ‘SCI-FIP-FIA-Online.

With this in mind, time is time Post of Io9 to escape through our burning Long Questions and see where he represents, and you know we have new, too.

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First, with damaging our past questions, some of those we learn.

Where are they ms.?

In the seven episode, “Tichai Bedo,” we have found Gemma, the Ms. In Mark’s relationship, we also learned that the Gemma was situated under Mark’s feet. It’s a variety of people who are cut off by a room in the room that they go in, has a number of unpleasant times in Lumon tests, which are down in secretly.

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How did a gmmaima have been Ms. Casey – and why?

We don’t have any information for each of these, though we have much more to continue. We know that gemma and Mark went to Lumon, and gmo joined the site, or at least the mail (“Mail Bardo” exam). We saw the night that he left his own because of what Mark did not want to go and did not come home, and the police show to give sad news (false) of the disaster.

Even if we don’t know exactly how to be canceled in MS. Casey – Was it killed? Willing to recognize what they agree? -We knows a little bit. Based on seven epireds, we know they are arguing, and the work of Markooth as “MacroData” has confused their experiments. We also know based on this weekend, “After hours,” that the text after completing its most important work file, a cold port, Gemmama will be completed.

We don’t know.

What’s the cold with?

See above. We do not know what’s expecting the Gemma in the room, but it will be more difficult than a plane that seems to be damaged, this noon doctors used in writing. After “the Syrui Bardo,” looked like a coldest place can be where gmma can also meet her tools repeatedly,

What is MS’s mind. What is Cobel of salt?

Due to eight episode, “Taste tasty,” many ways Ms. Cobel ended. We know that he was growing up in a dreamed town near, and many who have lived – due to Luman. We learned the Cobeber’s mother, one of those who lived, hate Lumon. Received that Cleafli was a student who found a Myodorochian relationship, and Jame Eagan stole his reactions and passing the products like its.

That all of them tells all about him so far: His devotion to the KIER religion, something is stripped of all his life; His interest is about the sign in and out of work (starting when the cold port of the crash) after chased to Lumon)

What is Kier, Peer?

However there is no idea. But it’s not snow-free, you can go to the train away, far away if you have to escape kier, as Irving does “after hours.”

Murmuring helena
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Who is on the “team”?

However there is no idea. The only stone we have been able to meet Jame and Helena. Is there something?

What is unity with Natalie?

Once again, there is no idea. If the weather conditions reveal Natalie and the Inie Ograie that is completely different from “a young person with the death smile,” it is not always satisfied.

Why do Lumon also want to mention her book of Ma6ries?

However, we do not know, except one more than it was the way to provide for his family members in Mako’s family – since now we know the same with the company. Although viewed in the second time, despite the fact that his display in “Child Bardo” Fracleback that had many hands used as the best. The article was all about Mark and Gemma, but also shown the audience that the viewer is not as much as it seems.

Why are they missing huang baby?

This is now we know: like MS. Cobel in front of her, the little Eushace is a happy person. He’s Mr. Milleack did not work well together, but he allowed him to start a course. “After hours,” we see him being taken from Lumon’s office (and his parents, they are referred to) for new shipment to Svalbard, perhaps a cool place on earth.

Disturbing Huang
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Why do the spiritual lie touches “the extra claims”?

We learned the answer in the faitho, “a weakness.” It was no pleasure in that place, was sure of Helena Enose. They are just thinking he was his mother so she loves on MDR.

Who drags IRV talking to pay for pay?

We do not know, and maybe ‘we cannot know that “when we have passed on” see IRV and his actions of a Burt, with the help of Burt, with the help of the Burt, and password not returning. The best intention is that he was hunted in a critical group, and speaks with a connection that it may have helped him include the list of names and regular business products (including Burt).

Do you have a selling hall outside?

We knew that he made it down to try, since we saw Ms. Casey walks down the timing of a long road at the end of the season; During the two years, it’s where Dr. Muums Maumeda of her dental equipment, and Ms. But we do not know why it was very difficult for food, so much that the drawing of its paintings of this repeated. With the help of felicia in Optics and the structure of IRV’s Indiie’s Indiies was left on the other side that looks a door, which causes Dylan.

How is Mark’s fulfillment?

There has never been a simple, neat, stiff bed, that seems to take the initiative. A physician who knows his secret, Rebhabi, has taken himself out of the Equion as he decided to MS phone. Cober. So it won’t be very encouraging.

Did the re-processing Akedata?

Even the details are not fully clear, we know that their work “knows their files” and specified files (Allelewn bords) contains a particular type of experimental.

Disturbed mdr glass
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We have never seen the goats since the three epidepes, “unless you live as an equal part of Ms. Cober’s Vitriol.” Goat represents a bad, one of four transit characters “updated” and Kier eagan as part of the lore. As for the goat in the Lonon in Lonon serves, and therefore employees are cared for and odd, we did not answer.

Now, let’s sing in new questions that keep Long They downloaded the night, especially now that there is only an illustration that left to go.

Disturbing cobel 2
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Is it written, Mark, and a fellow doctor?

When we finish this impossible, they gathered in one tubes “- a suggestion from dovon, and the way to the core, you may not be seen in the basement of lumon … less than a tap down. But as we have seen back, the Koleon security may be a dangerous situation sometimes as an invoimes of the additional work in one time, for example.

I’m talking about those hidden places … wtf?

Will be left with MS. CoBel tips for Devon (pretending to be a difficult work) as a woman who needs to enter carefully to return because “is one of Jame.” What does it mean? One of Jame what? Archive vessels to allow or unwanted to his eagan seed? You won’t let this twist the wind, Long!

What is Mr. Milchick Continue to rebels Mr. Baymand mainly and maybe Lumon Hig?

Mr. Milchick standing to Mr. Turmond, I will be clearly showing that any of his hands when they don’t live in the work of whatsoever they can do for any work, but particularly As March chosen, it is very different from the place of the land, and he was a lot of fun “after hours.” It sounded like Mr. Millecick is about to break her good job to a few soldiers now. Would she have been an empty lover if the season approached?

Difficulty Gytchen
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Is this the last thing we’ve seen on Dylan, Irlanding, and Burt?

It’s clear about Misang Huang has gone out of good, but what about these other characters? What were they all with can Be the last last in “a lot of hours.” You must expect us to recognize the action of Dylan and her Idie, Grettlen, and maybe learn if Burt meets the difficulties that seem to be damaged.

Should Mark must choose between Gemma and Herly R.?

It can be three corporations … Besides one of the facts and two different men in one body. Mark S. He likes R. And Mark loves gema. No matter, one breaks their heart, as we saw and Dylan connection in “several hours.” How will they choose? Or will his opinion be made, perhaps for a person? Does the GEMMA die in a cold room? Will the cause of a sinner of the nuishen of the winner winning a tight, coldest returns, too cold in Cooler?

And you’re talking about Hely R … Why did Jame Eagan crawls on MDR?

What do they think they have experienced in one last thing “- a long time,” Indie’s daughter, “the daughter of Indie, or female, who considers her less than a person? What do they want Helena to eat food for cooking instead of straight?

No responses. Only questions now.

This accomplishes us the most likely questions of all. What can it do Long Set up the third season-will fans will be left on a particular cliffhanger as the end of the season?

And by the way, when Is Apple Tv + Reassure 3 Times of Road? And how long will we wait to see others?

A Long The two last season, called “cold port” comes up to the next Friday.

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