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Scientists look at the eyes of the people while they sleep, reveal a masculine brain

Although sleeping is a time to make energy, our brain remains exciting when we retire. Instead, a lot passes to the back of our blocked pets than we have already considered, according to a group of researchers who have been monitored in the eyes of the night.

In decode Published Wednesday in a connection magazine, Switzerland explores the children of sleeping. The lesson reveals that our children are always changing when we are unawares, showing different parts of To introduce brain-The brain answer to the encouraging. With another study, doctors can keep a job one day to use students to determine the challenges of sleep.

A Caroline Asins, the historian History in Ethz Zürich is Co-aeers learn, in university statement. “This is contrary to the previous idea that, especially, the amount of danger is low.”

The Locus Couieleusus-Burches in the overall of the opening-is found between the brain and becomes dangerous to study while people are sleeping, depending on the researchers. Since the student’s growth is known as a native system, because the employees who think they can be used to apply brain activation during the technology.

The group says it’s first to check the tears in bed for several hours at one time – and I know what you think: How? A picture described in this story is not a photo of stocks – shows how he did this. The researcakes were just afraid of one open eye, and fatle eyes, and then sealed behind a bandage.

The most concern was that the test training would not be sleeping with their eyes. But in a dark room, many people forget that their eyes were comfortable and can sleep, “explained that the engineering in Eth Zürich is the leader of the study, who created the road.

All over, a group of students participants indicates that the amount of showing changes always changes in bed. According to researchers, finding guarantees the natural side of humans previous training scored the rats.

The group also discusses the connection between children’s energy in bed with other activities, including brain waves that are affected by sleep and memory. In addition, he realized that the size of the brain would depend on the amount of his operating, as the students get used to. However, the lesson has not confirmed if the recipient of the Crerenously directly affects the tight students.

“We’re just seeing updo changes that match the amount of brain activity,” Lussirger words explained. The group requires research these powerfuls, as well as it helps to fall asleep, studying. If they have obtained a strong relationship, my children’s movements are used for a day used to identify difficulty such as absences and disturbance of the pressure, or even a A patient’s refund.

We have not read that if the eye is on windows, but as this survey suggests, the windows in the brain!

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