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Is Tsmin to flee with a pledge of $ 100B in the chip making plants?

There’s been a wide range on the front head and Taiwan is avoiding price-list currently. But the time of $ 100 billion volunteers and Tsmc to make US products in the US.

Taiwan SemicondDuctor to make co. So the biggest tread in the world, but the main chips are made in Taiwan. Donald Trump announced about the press of the press of the Tsmc reserves for $ 100 billion production in the US Acroos four years.

Tsmc is already building a Arizona industry in promise $ 65,000 all support the production of the chips, said.

“I think it had already helped Taiwan to avoid derods. I am confident that there was a political teaching,” says Jairretor, “said Jairia, in the study, in the Gospels.

Tsmc has also received $ 6.6 billion on chips and science, Bandan Agreement arrived in a semiconduc. Now Tsmc is planning to pick up $ 165

But the biggest question is how much it can make. Tsmc should be brought a lot of engineerings from Taiwan to pick up the new chips to run on behalf of the color. US was a place of birthplace semiconulate, but it doesn’t mean Uvinelo’s ability as it is made.

“I hope that Tsmc met 50-100% of the rivers and had to choose between this,” although I don’t think the trees will be like a lot, and I don’t think that Tsmc is possible as much as it says. “

New fees brings all the Tsmc Coins to US TP Rasters to $ 165 billion, Trump said. Intel has also received $ 2 billion via chips and sciences to take place and it has been so much in a Poap. But Intel has had a difficult time in the latest time to be a competitor.

Trump had threatened to bring taxes In order to Taiwan before, but he remembered when he announced the range in China, Mexico and Canada. Apple has also purchased more than $ 500 in the production of our products.

Tsmc has not given a period of time mentioned, but he said adding some 40,000 buildings over the next four years. Companies such as NVIDIA, AMD and Quees are in the largest TSMC client.

A Treatment of technology . A Happy Goods It also foretold his anxiety. CTA says the CES time that the trees requested can add prices on laptop and pills and 46%, tapping games and 40% mobile phones.

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