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Introducing GLP-1 Fitness Formula: Maintaining Muscle and Heart Health for Weight Loss Drugs

Not all weight loss is equal. While GLP-1 drugs are revolutionizing weight management, many key factors are not considered: Up to 40% weight loss Probably from muscles You want to keep it!

Introduced GLP-1 fitness formula, a specially designed fitness program was created specifically for people who use GLP-1 drugs. These simple, easy-to-follow exercises help maintain muscle mass and increase strength when losing weight for sustainable results and better long-term health.

Why does the GLP-1 fitness formula work?

GLP-1 fitness formula combines muscle protection, heart-healthy aerobic exercise and Flexibility and liquidity Exercise can help you maximize GLP-1 success. With each 20-minute session, you can help build muscle, support metabolism and keep energy while increasing the effectiveness of GLP-1 drugs.

Professional trainer Michelle Dozois is safely guiding you five Low impact exercise Every week. Her step-by-step guidance Make fitness achievable when you build strength and confidence. All workouts stand up so you can easily move from moving to getting results without feeling intimidated or failed.

What kind of exercise can I expect?

You will exercise for 20 minutes, four weeks five days a week. Then repeat the procedure as needed. Michel carefully sequenced these six unique exercises into a one-month calendar to ensure you learn the movements and get a comprehensive plan that is easy to manage long-term weight.

Most importantly, you don’t need a lot of equipment. Just grab a pair of dumbbells, a towel and your water bottle.

Upper body strength

Carve and strengthen your arms, shoulders, chest and back with this vibrant meeting. This exercise has a balanced push and pull movement that can improve the upper body’s strength and Function Keep muscles strong and toned at the same time.

The strength of the lower body

Power your legs with this targeted session that enhances strength and stability in quads, hamstrings, hips and calves. This exercise is designed to increase low body strength, improve balance and support functional exercise.

Aerobics and Core 1

Ignite your energy with this dynamic mix of cardio and strengthening core movements. This workout is perfect for burning calories and building a solid midsection that makes you feel strong and active.

Flexibility and liquidity

Gentle stretching and liquid exercises are designed to improve flexibility and joint health. This session promotes recovery, reduces stiffness, and helps you move more easily and comfortably.

Full body circuit

Experience the final Full body circuit This allows each muscle group to have a balanced strength session, which makes you feel accomplished and empowered.

Aerobic and Core 2

Challenge your endurance, strengthen your midfield, and improve overall fitness with this dynamic aerobic exercise and strengthening core enhancement movements. This workout is perfect for burning calories and building a solid midsection, allowing you to feel strong and energetic in just 20 minutes.

Add Shakeology to your daily work for better results

Shake learning – Super Food Nutritional Milkshake – is your perfect GLP-1 nutrition partner. It is rich in protein, superfoods, vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, Prebiotics and probioticsand digestive enzymes for intestinal health. It is creamy, delicious, and an easy way to stick to truly healthy nutrition. **

Who is Michelle Dozois?

Michelle Dozois has moved millions of lives for nearly three decades as a fitness expert, business owner and global coach. From having a thriving full-service health club in Southern California to training coaches in 14 countries and starring in best-selling fitness DVDs that sold over 4 million copies, Michelle is a trusted health and wellness industry administration.

Michelle has certifications from well-known organizations including Ace, Nasm, Stott Pilates and Yoga Maze. She is also a certified precision nutrition coach and life coach through the Institute of Life Purposes. Her expertise has made her voice for major health brands such as Bodi, Nautilus, Prevention, Shape, Jenny Craig and Weightwatchers sought after. Fun fact: Michelle is also a gold medalist in the National and World Aerobic Championships.

Michelle believes that physical health is the basis of a happy, productive life. At the heart of her mission is to help others discover a deep passion for moving their bodies and prioritizing health confidence, strength and happiness.

Where can I access the GLP-1 fitness formula?

GLP-1 Fitness Formula is now available In Bodi! Use yours BODI Subscriptionor buy it separately for just $19.95, or even download it into the BODI app.

For more information, Please visit the FAQ page.

*The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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