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Check: How to say your piece of $ 20 million shifts

The apple users could have the money coming. Following the case of class, Apple has agreed to pay $ 20 million. If your device has to, you should put what you say before receiving your session.

A caseWritten to the US District Court of California district, it says batteries first, list 1 with 3 lists and ads. Apple has rejected any fault, but still he chose to put the problem with it.

Read more: Apple causes a new iphone of the 1E market

In the words sent to CNE, Apple to push back, say that the clock’s apple is “made to be safe.”

Apple Weds Ultra 2 With a Social View, Knit and Look for the Face.

Apple Watrat Utra 2 is displayed, showing a military face.


“This plans also uses to buy apple to apple, list 1, list 2 and a number 3, which are no longer available to buy,” the company said. “Despite the fact that we agree with the Apple Apples Apple Strieves, we had agreed to obtain other rebels.”

Do you qualify for the apple apple?

To qualify for payment, users should have an Apple Watch Type in US and write what’s been referred to about tables, between April 24, 2015, and Feb. 6, 2024.

How much can you earn?

The users will see that they receive different income depending on different things. Revenge comes from $ 20 to $ 50, depending on the amount of their offer. Other qualified users will receive information via email or post of their financial improvement, according to


The Apple The Nizyger 3 is one of the combined species.

Sarah tew / country

How can you know?

The users want to pay should send their request by April 10, 2025, through A PLAYED Page.

After visiting a steady page, users should get a QR code and search with a program or made of camera. Users can choose how to receive their wages: check it, an electronic check, to update the delivery visa or MasterCard.

To the users who have not received information but they believe that they are eligible, self-assertion can be written via email.

In agreeing to pay for money, the apple customer removes their rights to take action against the legal action against the Story story.

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