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CNN research: 43% of Americans use VPN, to specify the secret as a great reason. Experts expect the number when the number rises

The private area of ​​the password is getting popular. Between January Short-timtokThe fall of Ai Scams with The Best Wonder onlineAmericans turn to VPNS to Find the contents or increase their safety. SNNT CNNE research found up to 43% of the old US use ZplAnd about half after half of it to protect their job online and IP address.

We have been given the amount of our online activities, Neal O’farrellArchaeologist and Inside security at first, believes that we all have to use Mavpl – especially if you are worried about your plans.

“Instead of rolling the mouse and hope there is no one out, unwilling. Even more Americans did not use VPN, O’farrell who thinks that the use of increases as other issues.

The interest of using VPN to get the restriction or blocked of additional this year, especially As weTok dropped For a few hours the night of Jan. 18. The CNET study will get 50% of the Gen ZPN and 50 years

“The cancellation of Titkok in the US made VPN fascinating because most people want to reach the way,” he said Moe ModeA connerge Wild Wilds Security. “But in my trial, using VPN in SalTOCK Tikok was not an update solution.

VPPNS is acceptable in many countries. However, several countries are prohibited or restricted to using VPN, and use of a person can cause your problems. Here’s a survey who is not visible as people are the way people use vPP. If you want to try VPN, I have written instructions from Internet protection.

  • HEARTS: More than half of the main US used VPN (52%) use one to protect their IP address while using the Internet.
  • To use calls: 51% of the users of VPN do on their phone, then 50% used vpn on a computer or tablet.
  • Age: VPN is mostly used with young adults – 50% of the Gen Z and Millenials use this year.
  • To save money: 23% of us adults use vpn to save money, especially in the costs.
  • Finding prohibited apps: From Jan. 1, 2024, 17% of the US officials have tried to access the restriction or program. Since 2025, 50% of the Gen Zers and 50% of Millenials have used VPN to try to get an app or page.

Who’s using VPN?

From talking about the walls of the applations, our experts are currently able to help make the world slightly.

CNET found up to 43% of US officials use VPN, O’Farrell’s number expects to rise when people are very stressful because of their data. This is the way that number is disturbed:

Men like to use VPN more than women. Half of the men who searched for use or use VPN, compared to 36% of women. Teenage ages often use a lot of VPPS, a 50% of the Gennts Zers and Genlenials say use VPN.

When people try to vpn, seems to stick; 10% claim to use or try to use VPN for two or two years, while 19% claim to use more than two years. Here’s a central form:

Most people protect their calls with VPNS

In the past VPNS used laptop with pillsmainly at work or exercise. However, 51% of US officials now use VPTN on their phone. followed by 50% used on a computer, laptop or tablet.

O’Farrell thinks using a VPN for the use of mobile phone It’s wisdom.

“We will forget that we talk and do more about the telephone activities,” and if you use your phone as a daily weapon, you should be safe. ”

If you think VPN on your phone, you don’t have to look directly Mobile Vpnsaid for a long time.

“The best VPS VPS between Wi-Fi nets and calls, and in my temptation, all the great things work on telephones and computers. Many vs, IOS, and iPados, long.

Why do people use VPN?

Many US officials turn to VPN because of his first work – to protect their IP address. A second reason to lead and keep their online activities. Other reasons originate from video videos to access the content and software.

We asked professional experts to determine the best reasons people are using VPN, and this is what we learned.


About half (47%) of a large US use VPTs to keep their social networking.

VPN VERT VEIRS WAYS online through The stored serverTo avoid software and websites not to see your IP address by pulling with the IP address. This He protects your real IP addressalso your Internet’s Internet, Your network work is where you are.

There is a limit on what VPN protects, however. It will not protect the payment details, cookies and accounts for account.

If you use Wi-Fi, as a coffee shop or airport, O’farrell prompts to contact VPN. The writer of the Cneelo, Contlaschekadded to VPN often faster due to a fixed online work, even in the Wi-Fi.

Finding the ban

Up to the restrictions of your community with another reason that people use vPS, according to their findings.

Users can connect to VPN to view the slopes of a game or a The only expression is given to another country. Some may try to try again VPN to find timtok hours of hours was under January.

From Jan. 1, 2024, 17% of US officials will try to get a restricted program or website, as a taketok. Among who uses VPN to find illegal or illegal apps, 45% started using VPN last year.

You can’t use VPN all the time to find prohibited apps, yet. For example, he tried to get a taktok vpn on the program The restriction of the last month and couldn’t. Other websites and software has artifacts with VPN reflections that can hinder you. Contentments can settle down to other areas due to contracts and pagan violations, Tomaschek did.

It is also important to understand if to find what is in your country. For example, getting a television shows where the unique closed is not allowed, as long as VPN is acceptable in your country. However, there’s something you can experience. If finding shuttles break your combination of cooperation, your account is suspended.

You don’t have to use VPN to avoid illegal items or violation of VPN rules in your country. If you do, you can meet a fee or arrest.

“If under ban on a particular country, the rulership in that country they will have the right in that world,” the publishers.

VPS is blocked or blocked in the countries below:

  • Straw
  • Dish
  • Iran
  • Omelon
  • Aircraft Russia
  • Turkmenistan
  • United Arab Emirates

To save money in a walk

Using VPN Switching your server space can help you close the lower prices or services, which may be cheap in other countries, or countries.

We found that 19% of us officials who use vps thus Save in restoration Money to help, including TV, games, and music. This breaks up to 12% of use vpns to save money on TV, 9% to save money on sports and 8% on music, asked using VPS to keep on more than one job.

For example, for a long time tested using VPN to save money by following the content And he was able to save $ 6 on the rent video using VPN to change its place in the UK.

If you want to try to use VPN to keep the money back, make sure you are looking for what the language restricts the use of VPS.

VPS can also help you save money on a journey, but 9% 9% of VPN users are using a plane tickets, hotels, dumps and other money. When you use VPN to access the best costs on a journey, don’t forget to start a variable fields and national money.

Does he like vpn?

CNN experts have been experimenting VPN for more than ten years, and they try the tests trying to help you get the right thing. If you are thinking of trying VPN, this is what the experts say to look.

The passwords of private

Connections promote seeking VPN 256-Bibry slightly to hide the information, and a light schedule to reduce your online activity from the Internet. Look for other private things, too – if the loose dns is a change of killing.

Tomaschek encourages Exprewpn, Norrdvpn with Proon vpn as the best offer.

Be sure: VPNS is not a solution to protect you Cheating or roar. Yes, you will protect your place, but don’t stop your weapon not to get infected or app. Tomaschek promotes vpn and Software Antivirous For achieving various goals. Some VPTs now give a birth certificate if Exprewvn information It’s in the house nordpn.

On the Internet

Most VPS reduces your online speeds and 50% or more, but VPN that is rapidly calculated to your speed and 25% or less. If you are using VPN to move or play video games, you need to find one with a small length. Tomascheck promotes Nordvpn.

Servers and places

When you reduce your VPN choice, be careful with the number of server and places that VPN offers. Servers and locations, many choices you can have for banning geo-golting dissolves and find contents from different countries. More important, you will have some options if the server is in one place.

VPN Treatment

If you want to use your VPN on multiple-colored device, make sure that your VPN can work with them at one time. Some more allows eight to 10 weapons at one time, while others have no limit. It’s also important to make sure your VPN helps your work order. Some VPS can be cooperating with Windows and Macos, where the mobile vpts can work well on iOS and Android. Your device can play your VPN skills. We are making a look at the CNN VPT the best vpts to help you reduce your search.


All, unless it’s been stated, and about you too. The total size was 2,429, which 157 will use VPN. Maffle uses occurred between 3 to 5 Feb. 2025. The survey was taken online. The numbers have been discovered and it’s a great representative of adults (age 18 or more).

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