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Buffy Stamepire Star Michelle Trachn’berg died

A recent announcement of Buffy of Vampire Slayer We can also be back and back Sarah michelle gellar They have the fond of the rites of spiritual rites – but now there are sad news to go with the show back to a bright spot. Michelle Trachtenberg, who played a young Buffy sister started from five seasons, gone. Was 39 years old.

Tychtenberg Death was said more, first in New York Postwho have not mentioned something but towards the police who said it’s not questionable. Plank where the police had traveled in the liver, and they had discouraged many of its months after months, Trechnberg faced problems that they are healthy. ‘”

Trachtenberg was born in 1985 and met Biz shows, which appears on Nickelodeon’s The coming of Pete & Pete with abc soap soap All my children as a teenager. Then she began to have a headache Harrit The Spy Spywas released in 1996, and went to have a video work that included youths Eurotrip with 17 OTHERand to fight A black Christmasand the time of Edgier as Gregg Alaki A strange skin.

As a great result, however, she probably was in TV work, which added to Buffy of Vampire Slayer Including medicine play Sorrow and a teen’s tiem Gossip Girlas well as unseen responsibilities Six feet on the floor, WeedsIt’s more. Dawn too was pleased with Buffy book Fixed files for a couple of years after the 2003.

Trachtenberg brought melting light in all eyes, and they will be very disappeared.

You want the New Io9 news? View a recent expectation time Worry, The wars of astrologyAnd Star Trek They take out, which is near to DC unvererose on film and tvIt’s all you need to know the future Medical professional.

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