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Something unexpectedly showing the stars in the milky

New research from Group in Harvard Center to AllRyysics indicates that a large mama’s temptation, with a galaxy of neighborhood Milky Waywho live with hundreds of thousands of decorations sun: a very dark hole.

Greater Galaptoct doctrine receives the strongest evolution found in the biggest galaxy, such as milky Way. To date, there was no need to think that the small cluster like the big magical cloud could have a cloud. X-Ray Telescopees when trained in small groups like a big magical cloud, they did not find signature related to black work.

But then came the stars of hypervelocity. For nearly 20 years, astronomical astronauts have occurred a traveling stars and plenty of electricity to be released in their own galaxies. Although traditional stars move around 100 kilometers on one second, the hypervestocity star moves up to 10 times faster. Experts think that such stars are considered “ornaments outside” and high-quality artwork below the mountains.

Inside Phayyy’s Social Security Types of Hyperfalocity Types that are probably from now. Research indicates that they have been changed by Sagittarius A *, the most dark hole between the galaxy. But at least 21 HyperVeloclocity stars are not associated with the release with a very dark hole but cannot be connected to the Milky’s heart. In Timu papers, it is possible that these stars start on a magical cloud.

To the team, led by Jiant Jesse Jesse Han, this is one of the most important parts of the first black hole in a black hole in our neighborhood in our neighborhood. According to the initial calculation of the team, the structure may be between 251,000 and a million. The average 600,000 grows the sun’s size.

Survey-There is currently writing or printed in an Allroproprosical newspaper, used from Generation Spanction Agency, which purpose is counting the stars.

There may be some of the descriptions of wonderful amazing. The fugitive stars on their galaxies can come from supernova or any other way of adequate effects to get them out. The paper writers describe, that this does not appear to be the case with hyperlocity stars that seem to come from a big magical tag.

The main cloud of magic is a bright circle, along with another army of the army, such as Sagitfarius, Cagina, or Draco. It is 163,000 years of astronomers believe that in the future until some 2,4 billion, magical processes, and other major nations, and other major nations. Experts believe that the process of combined it will be delayed and, on the planet, it will not be in trouble.

The story appeared at the beginning Skillfully In Spanish and has been changed from Spain.

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