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Costa Rica saves the environment by listening to

Monica Remune was Between changing batteries when they have heard the first beep. Standing down, looked at the tree, and looked at the source of it the metals are powerfulLooking for a bird for a half of the eternal hours. Shirts starting to shake from the ground when they look with friends but not seems to the one below. However, Remosa Suspects: They care about environment in Costa Rica Rica Thani’s natural listener.

In the natural world, living organisms use a word for almost almost anything. He tells us to persuade people, communications, warning of danger, the process of searching or controlling. For decades, researchers have followed the colors and recordings, but they will, though, to be found in using removable recording tools. The reading of the fundamentals are known as Bioacautics. Reameos has been doing the work for 10 years.

Using the bioacouctic drawing, education shows that some birds cry out in the cities and the fish fish connect with nests to be connected. And when Bioacauticals is attached to other words – which are made by people, as well as the natural statement of the site, such as the damage to the oceans – it is possible to interpret the very deep meaning. It is possible to assess the transformation of environments, recognizing the threats, and test the skills of the savings. The examination of this noise is known as Exocustics – and is the work done here in Costa Rica.

A bed of bed.

Three Presidents (Pronas Tricarunculatus) in Costa Rica.

Photography: Juan Carlos ApFoo / Target Photos

Remosa has been working for 20 years in the National University of Costa Rica, at InsPal Institutes to be stored by wild animals. They use bioacoutics and ecocoutics to explore the words of the Central America who holds more than half a million species.

“Remosal’s words are from protective ideas,” says Remosa. In many cases, we feel more than what we see. Notice that in disturbing occurs in order, we can be aware of recently by words, or nobody, than other things. “

The size of the photo only changed Bioacautics and Ecoacouutics. Now, research groups may hang the sensors that mark the tip of a month for months not disturbing the wild animals. PRamososis prefer this method of empty meat, makes it easier to have ears in large, and sometimes helps to identify foreign colors.

Although they tend to monitor environmental, liquid size while in the middle of the forest to set up drawings. The field visits are fun, but Sunday Shoorm. He has traveled traversed mud and branch, along with their fellow Jimmy Barindates and arrives at Randall Jiménez. Went down to the bottom. Once, he fell and crushed on his ribs. But the task will never be able to set up: They should return to change batteries with memory cards. In some countries, the Internet is used by the Internet to receive your real data; In the dark, the wildli Rica, it’s done by hand.

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