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Water chngurice can raise our risk

The most important tool that our drinking water will be clean to be more dangerous than we think. New research finds connection between water chlorination and increased risk of another cancer.

Scientists in Karolinska Institute In Sweden led to the survey, where I could review the previous training to look at chlorination and cancer. They found the evidence that the people realized that it was the quantity of Chlorine with chlorine with chlorine with chlorine. The agreement was seen from the bottom of the underlined US and Europe, showing that current instructions are not enough to protect people, the researchers say.

Chlorine has been Socially Taking a pesticide from the 19th century in the 19th century. It helps to solve or reduce the spread of horror diseases like typhoid fever and cholerah. But Chlorine and other pests are known for their problems. Another major system is to make a disinfectant, which is made of this mixture with the mixture of the drugs, and the most popular intensity from chlorine is called Trihalinehanes (thms). Ancient research It has shown that TKs can be causing cancer, rodents, but research resetsticks in Chlorinated water is built with cancer in many people.

The Old Data Data Reviewed A minimum evidence of contact between thms and bladder and cologistic cancer. But these comments ended old age, and it has been fresh, which can happen on the topic you were published since then. So Karolinska scientists have sought their transplantable meta.

Later, he analyzed data from the 29 papers, recently yearly. Although many subjects focused on the bladder cancer with Colorectory cancer, 14 should all be tested. The researchers failed to get an important link between the kind of thm’s kindness and any cancer except the two. But they found that the great amount of thm (relative to the lowest) was associated with the largest bladder cancer, and the risk of 15% of the Colorectal cancer. The key, increasing risk of the fossilization of 41 per billion (PPB) – the limit of 80 PPB in the US and 100 ppb limit in EU.

“Finally, in a detailed examination of the drug, we discovered evidence that thrs availability increases the risk of antibiotic and their cancer,” printed January this in The health of health.

There are other tiny technologies that they can drink water that drinks water today, such as Ultraviolet treatment. And the acts like removing creatives from the water before and the chlorine possible. But researchers agrees enough to make the necessary details to prevent authentication and energy between chlrinth and cancer. They don’t tell people to be cold in Turkey on drinking water based on their findings. At the same time, he is quick to order a good investigation to check and confirm this risk.

“What we see is dangerous and we need the highest education,” the Emilie Helte told The Assyrian.

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