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US decides to prevent TP-Little Router-you have to worry about it?

Tp-link is one of the most Router Router US manufacturers, but the company meets the ban on the cause of difficulties relating to his links in China. December Report from Wall Street Journal Exposed to the US product

“We are our company,” JEFr Barney, President of TP-unid of a skilled work,

The search was limited A letter from John Moholear, A Republican of Michigan, and Raja Krisomorethi, Democrat of Illinois. All are on a selected committee in the United States Treasures with a Communist party. He added that he hated people who are helping them in China can distract TP-Links easily hidden than other cookies, and TP-TAME wants us to have the knowledge of knowledge and chinese.


Picture: Simon Mountain

TP-Link was set up in 1996 with two brothers, and TP-LINK USED up to 2022 that Chinese and US wings were divided. The process of moving 170 agents with Hong Kongs and in the United States were late, says Barney, but was set up by 2024.

TP-LINK now has the capital of California and Singapore and make in Vietnam. They check, formation, starts, and makes everything but a chipter, depending on barney. “Our China bonds are directly ordered to us, our staff, our servants, with us, protected us, in our place.” They also say that TP-Link has been shared and researchers and the fact that his factory in Vietnam was tested by the properties of friends as Walmart, to buy well, and Costco.

Everyone has a nexus in China, “Barney says. It also says that the American America is used for Chinese (first formation) builds its own and even the apple depends on To make something. Netgear says his pus made in Taiwan, Vietnam, and Thailand, not something.

The context of competition

A WSJ Report indicates that TP-link has a 64.9 percent of US Router marketBut connect TP-connection of this. The company says the part of the past 20 percent for the past few years, but jumped the 36.5 percent of the dol. This system is run by lower and original prices Wi-Fi 7 Roghts, who are known by some attempts to make a US.

“The technology should not be high,” Barney says. “We want to make these things.”

However, the amount of many things raise questions, I wonder how surprised TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TP-TUMBERS MAKE A ROODS ROPE SUGGESTED ON THE SUGGESTED SUGGESTIONS. Already CNNE Donder Dongan Dong they investigate the point On the Router Brauter Brauter’s website, nong.

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