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Microsoft of New German 1 Infodor can change the functionality

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Against research is proclaims “Tolonigical Terms of First” in a device that keeps the difficult information, which may be a good refreshing information on the use of use.

At the same time, the researchers were also published paper in nature and “A street map“To do another job. The Generon 1 Puror’s description should have a million quirbs, which may be enough to identify more goals The production of the amount-SUCH if the cyptographic signals and make new medicines and new equipment.

If Microsoft’s The claims, the company can have a competition as IBM and Google, who appears to be Lead to competition to make a lot of computer.

However, Peer-cultural monitoring only indicates the part of the research points, and the road map would have been many challenges. When Microsoft press shows something that needs to be expensive, we do not assure any type of independence. However, the most important issues of Microsoft is a great promise.

By now you may have questions. Is the qualbil que? What is Quick, why? And why do people want a computer for the first prices?

Quantum squares are hard to build

Quantum computers just dreamed in the 1980s. Where the normal computers keep the information in Bits, Sentium Computers keep the sessions of the quarters or quibs.

Even the common can have a value of 0 or 1, but slightly (because of the Loplum system, which supervises the tiny particles) we can have a combination of all. If you think there is an arrow to explain or down, quable with a tango that can refer to each side (or called “the best of the” sky and down).

This means that the Seternal computer becomes quicker than a common computer of other computers to calculate, especially the other coordinates with temporary codes and change the environment.

So far, so good. But it is found to make the tights of quobsheni and get information and outside of them are very difficult, because the association with external can destroy the spice.

The researchers will try many tiny technologies to make different quiries, use as a metabolized inoms that are captured in electric fields or recent selves in Supercondactors.

Small strings and small particles

Microsoft has taken a very different way of building “tolonsgical quirits.” They have used the small particles that are called Zamagana, the first recorded in 1937 and the Italian scientist in Italy.

Majiras are not available naturally as electronic or plows. Instead, they are just inside the rare version called highest (who need to decorate luxurys and should be stuck at the bottom to the very small temperature).

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