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These new drugs can finish the virus of HIV, but the US income kills its walls

“It requires the importance of health to ensure that any of any of any companies, it will be fine,” says Bekker. “We are all waiting for theirs (somed, across the Saharan) writing what happens to Africa. 80 percent of HIV status, is already buying mantiretrovirviral for 6 million people per year. I can think of it several years to help lenacavir. “

With Pepface is looking now looking for patients, by means of avoiding falling, something that will be destroyed in the world in the world is beyond.

Speaking on the last week to Kigali, the output was told that the consequences of new diseases are not related to HIV. Research shows that HIVIREROVIL A VUTOLS Vintols, staining weight in Africa in Africa. Have to get it. “We see only the only disease in people living with HIV as we do many people, but in the first time and fashion is about to take action.”

As a result of this, there is also a significant age of the new age support for HIV, and the same idea must be used lenacapevir as a basis of the infected. Also, to resolve some of the metabolic effects, this may result in rules that have not taken drugs that do not take to mediciary.

“Different ideas are stored,” says Bekker. “Can you use bippravirviri and ji one-of-lenacapvir (if the format matching one of the verbs, and all of the weekly antiwork? Here are a weekly antiratroviers in a job, and You might apply it with 6-monthly monthly? This may loose the most, as they always tell us how to work should take daily medications. “

However, many subjects are skeptical, such as bekker allegedly expected to receive a lot of money. “It’s not only T PPHFAR; we regret the restrictions that reset some research money, such as the land of the land,” says. “Shouldn’t be difficult to weaken and move forward.”

According to shoots, there is hope that other donors can help the world’s organization in search lenacaonavir to use HIV, and perhaps money from Scandinavia, Japan, and Australia. Immediately, they believe that the past month’s events have been shown in African countries.

He said: “Some say.” I think that is a big question. How much we can help us in this world through the countries you could not use the main survey and development but in the future. “

At the same time, they fear that without the same amount from the US, the existing opportunity and lenacapavir can be lost.

“It’s a surprise that this has happened,” she says. In the end, if we offer the plague, it will save a lot of money over time, and will save us again. “

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