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Fintech Fundraurs gives me holes 2021 holes

Welcome to Techcrunk Fintech!

This week checking a great light to jump, how a meter visits another selling, beautiful communication with VC, and more!

To take a cycle of the biggest and the most important finks of Fintech issues given to your second email address at 8:00 AM PT, List here.

The main story

Pictures drawing:Taba

The last week was good while receiving the basic money. Riyadh Taba He became the most nutritious in a mena after To protect $ 160 million In the actual part e ferment £ 3.3 billion when they grow more than shopping now, payment later. It’s also two $ 1.5 billion was worth 18 months ago. The most interesting. It’s, India PastBanking Banking apps to Banks and Fintech Tests, To raise $ 50 million from technical skills at $ 2 billion. That’s from $ 1.15 billion (Pre-Money) found in 2021. At this time, Mercury said they talk to pay money In a new circle led by Sequoia By gaining more than $ 3 billion, which can be the benefits of companies. . Begin to get 2021 holes. (Not, yet …)

Show me money

Cashted Cash's Winds of Cash
Pictures drawing:Olmicar Arnsyeva / top pictures

Payments make a big giant Queue She is talking about a talk Another seller This may be acquainted with the company “$ 85 billion, according to a number of reports and a well-known source.

Script Ragethat gives a lot of money accounts, are To raise $ 11 million In a circular way of being directed by QENS retails to reach African.

Ghanian Fintech Africa he has To raise $ 8 million Publigated seeds to increase its financial finances in the rest of the country, how far-funding with a large piece of weapon.

Prolongedwhich makes up insurance equipment to control the payment costs and money, about Closed $ 20 million b around That it will be used to enhance its technical skills to cover a lot of jobs and tasks.

Cap table Madmenkter Car He made heads In the 2020 when the old Emily Kp Kp KPerr’s advertisement has kept cases of interview with homosexuals and revenge. The case was When they set up In 2023. But since then, Carta set up two charges that were conducted by women who worked confidently and stolen and fasting, legal schcocologty shot. Charles Rollet This one has this.

Alter Airplane it is working History in India more than one year later they left off work in a lot of worldwide world.

I had a serious problem Sheel Mohnotfriendly friend Better tomorrow to Techcrunch of Podcast. We were speaking everything since he was in Justin Bieber movie, what would help him do? they think the fantech comes.

The heads of the main

Talk about Mega-Rakes: Archematic Sardine Ai wrap $ 70m p.

Vouch gets the insurance support; It produces a procedure

Varfo Cero Colin Wax Taps Gavin Michael to End

Repineary’s Q4 Crypto Revenare 700% of the past year

Thanks for reading! Up to next week … follow me on x @Baya By breaking the news of phytech, about coffee, and more.

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