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What is krill oil, and is it really good for you?

Healthy oil. Good fat. A few years ago, these were contradictory. Now we know that natural compounds in certain oils and fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats, have several health benefits. You may have heard of the buzz about krill oil, or claiming it is superior to fish oil. This is what you need to know.

What is krill oil?

Krill Oil Capsules | Krill Oil

Similar to fish oil derived from fish, krill oil is extracted from quikrill, a shrimp-like crustacean. Krill eats a diet of marine plants containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as algae, so they become a source of omega-3.

“Omega-3 fatty acids can come in many forms, but generally we are most familiar with EPA (eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (docosahecahexaenoic Acid). Kasey HutchinsonRDN, a registered dietitian in Montana. “Study shows that krill oil is a bit Higher fatty acids of omega-3 (Compared with fish oil). ”

How many omega-3 do you need per day?

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) said that the appropriate daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids is 1.6 g per day for men and 1.1 g per day for women.

Which is better: Krill oil or fish oil?

A bottle of fish oil balls | krill oil

Omega-3 content

Research shows that supplementing diet with omega-3 may promote Cardiovascular health,,,,, United Healthand Healthy skin. However, it is now certain to say whether krill oil is better than fish oil when it comes to omega-3.

Some studies have found Krill oil may improve blood omega-3 levels better than fish oil. Other research In this regard, there is no difference between krill oil and fish oil.

So, what are the main differences between the two?

EPA and DHA in krill were found in phospholipids, which were structurally different from omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil in the form of triglycerides or ethyl esters. (These three are fat-like substances.) Some studies show that phospholipids are It’s superior When delivering EPA and DHA. But the data is far from conclusive. Researchers say.


Krill oil contains astaxanthin, an antioxidant-like compound that is usually found in fish oil. This carotenoid (a type Plant nutrients) is what gives salmon red, which is why krill oil capsules are crimson red, while fish oil capsules are more golden.

Nutritionists recommend that we eat a lot of fruits and vegetables to get the benefits of carotenoids (including eye health). But no research has shown that krill oil directly provides these benefits.


Krill oil is also more expensive than fish oil, partly because of how it is produced. “Krill oil is more environmentally sustainable than most fish oils,” Hutchinson said. “This is an important consideration in our current era of rising sea temperatures and over-harvest and pollution of the ocean.”

What are the potential side effects of taking krill oil supplements?

Stomach pain in women | Krill oil

  • Like fish oil, you may experience variable burps when taking krill oil. Some statements claim to eliminate this.
  • Some people may experience it Gastrointestinal discomfortsuch as acid reflux or diarrhea, take fish oil due to its high fat content.
  • Krill oil may cause reactions in people who are allergic to shellfish or seafood.

As always, talk to your doctor before starting any new supplements.

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