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The USoid closure sets millions of to be in danger

Last year, US gave $ 3.7 billion in human assistance in S-Sahara in Africa. At least 73 percent of this distributed to medical programs, including HIV infection and avoiding. For those who are HIV-positive, the main benefits of the President’s President, or Pephaface, which buys medicines and catalysts. Since the establishment of US George W. Over twenty Bushs, Pepfar has kept millions of lives in Africa.

Before Pephapar, HEAVE can often mean death in Africa. Nowadays, many people who are infected have a new life can have a normal life-given life because of the reaction through this. Assistant Applications also allow to go to countries to go to a higher structure on HIV infected with HIV, and reduces the effort of the mother and baby.

Instead, many countries in Africa, including Nigeria, are on the cusp GIVING AGIVAL Pandus and approaches “the goals of 95% of 95% of the Patients are not HIV-positive and has the risk of transmission of virus.

Now, it’s the life of Pepface that seems to go, government health workers are concerned that the benefits will be canceled. “We will have a medical clinical problem if all the money stops after 90-day of cold, because of the Nigeria alone cannot give the required services,” says ISah.

Ihah and the employee operated a decode In 2021 for the willingness of people who are infected with Nigeria to pay a free help of pocket. This study recognized that despite many of the need to improve the importance of helping, and why they are paying for it, the cost of treatment is a barrier.

Truvada Type of Truvuda, medicine used for HIV and prevent immoral diseases and after being able to occur, currency about $ 60 per month. Above this, there is a laboratory financial amount to see viruses, body security, and valuables and hearts in which will result in illness. In African estate, it gives great difficulties: at least 41 percent of the people with Sahara in Africa They have a little than $ 1.90 a day; The minimum prize in Nigeria is $ 40 a month.

Showing preparation to put on top money, Nigeria government voter At the beginning this week for 4.8 billion and ($ 3. 3,2 million) to be released for 150,000 wetters. But even a good sign for a limited time, there is no other next to what the world’s help should be able to solve Washington.

The use of income should be saved after 90 days, many HIV-positive people in Africa have failed to pay for the medicine and testing of the laboratory. “Once everybody on the medicine and the person has found a uninfected structure, it means that the person cannot spread the virus,” says Isah. “But she should miss her treatment and medicine, Virus properties also increase, which causes a place to set their families and their loved ones.”

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