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Avelios nbs $ 31m led by Sequoia to process the tights

The contest can build new health software agents to replace the machine of the machine that sometimes could not be changed for several decades. First in Munich, Germany called Angis He’s interested in building a new version guide, leaning a few technologies related to Ai and a motorized activity. Today declares € 30 million ($ 31 million) in money.

Sequoia leads to a list of London’s Office, who participates for sellers from the Aveeliios: Recont, adult-techfonds, as well as individual sellers.

Since not revealing revealing, but around comes to the heel of AVDIOIOOS growth – all about a few meals. To this day, Aavetios says sigozes in Germany, including one of the Great Hospitals, San Kliniken Ag; Ludig-MaxigIl-university in Munich, and Hannover’s hospital.

“I think we have been effective,” Ceo Celt Cobracht described. “We have a good engineer, as well as 11 doctors here.”

Albrecht – who set the company with CTO Nicolas Jainb Sebastian Krammer – he said something to be used to use in other countries. In the conversation with Spanish chains and looks back to France and UK


Evemidos are taking a way to the health center, I want to market with a long time to be built where the built will make it necessary, and maybe it has not worked together.

But, as a healthy story that looks out of starting, Aveulos by oneself began to determine the size of the potential home.

As Albrecht (above, left, and Jakeb and Krammer), Krammer served as a German medical doctor.

He said: “He ran to hospitals, spent all the patients into hands and then explaining the results of rule becomed,” he said. He asked with Jakeb, who knew from the past, how to make something to renew to be able to discern better.

“Niko and software engineers and a very tangible artist,” continued. “And he tried. He was very encouraged to get the research, but he realized, if many other, hospitals, could not give what he wanted to do.”

Albrecht was a former Jakeb friend – he made a previous company together – so they were rendered to help them in order to make the correct order. Failed to make one thing to improve one thing, and thus, it is not different.

He remembered: “We wanted to make a decision.

He made great calls, saying, “Knowledge will be hard, but in this way, you can handle the seconds, and after chance to do all the best, because you have made data, you can include ai.”

And it took years, but finally, in the end, it was exposed to the system and people who work in various departments or organizations.

In addition to the Covid-19-Covy, with the Germany, with additional money from the state to change), there has been some key places that have helped talk to landos, and then do, and do, with the health agents.

First of all this has been a change of a way that it may be his biggest way. SAP – one of the costs they use to pour medicine (and other) – has changed its way of $ 30 billion construction construction.

This means that they have stopped building, and help a long-term support, including the special techniques, including health. More than 1,000 hospitals using the SAP pen. .

Again is the greatest decision of Ai. As many other industry, health is not just an internal request. I will ask them again. But they can’t move forward to Ai Software without having their data in the state to be used – which were made, not a pen – and a penny, a lot of syllables. Which becomes a different data pen.

Sequoia looks began with a widely dignified way, one of the bricks.

Skilled children were under radar the system for four years, “says Anad, children, who is taking the lead. They also wondered how many customers could see.” He could win other hospitals The most confidential and government in Germany. We were so surprising and settled later. ”

Although Aveuloos is making a large and willing and eagerly relevant speed, it is also true with many pragmatim, did. Hospitals do not turn off with all extra ways to change, at least because they have to continue working, and for the cost.

Truly, this The economic report from 2022 From medical practice and overseers recognized that in clinic hospitals, some 73% described their methods as “their own inheritance. Breeds added 35% using Windows Server 2008, 34% using the windows 7, 25% using the windows xp, and 19% use Windows Server 2003 and 2003 R2 (19%). “Other health agencies may not be prepared for the discovery of these symptoms,” writing to text. “Every asset has a good life, and it is important for organizational setting.”

Aveuloos’s methods have made things change.

Alrecht said: “We can resume with customers. This may mean, explained to the fund, then the coordinates, and then a thing that are unable to give, because they change the way One yholithic is another monolithic plan, and you just have a large vessel curved. And that’s why much work is very wrong. “

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