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President Donald Trump The “opportunity to save Medicare” was delivered after the Biden administration deployed his final proposal by Medicare Advantage in early January that experts say that subfonators of the Insurance Plan after facing the cuts of rates in previous years.
“This is Trump’s opportunity to save Medicare”, the former -Republican New York Republican representative Ann Marie Buerkle, who is also a former nurse and was President of the Consumer Product Security Commission until 2019, He told Fox News Digital in January.
“Medicare Advantage is Medicare for 34 million Americans choosing it. These greater ones experience their interruption with their health as a result of two years of cuts; if Trump assures that the hand is funded according to the trends of Medical costs projected by 2026, will be fixed by Joe Biden’s error and giving the elderly health care that they deserve just before the GOP’s medium -term election. ”
Medicare Advantage plans are private health insurance plans that are contracted by Medicare and are used by approximately 34 million Americans. The program registers mostly adults over the age of 65, but also offers benefits to people of all ages with disabilities. Traditional Medicare, on the contrary, is a federal health insurance program for adults over 65, as well as younger people with disabilities.
The administration of Biden Previously, they had reduced the rates of Medicare Advantage, including in April 2024, when experts said that the registrations would face $ 33 per month for out -of -pocket expenses or $ 396 a year due to cuts. Critics at that time said that the cuts would be especially devastating for the elderly who lived with fixed income that are already dealing with ongoing inflation problems.
Do not let biden sneak in more Medicare slices at the exit of the door
About two weeks before leaving the office, the Biden administration developed its final regulation, which affected Medicare Advantage, which did not reduce rates directly as it did during 2024 and 2025, but increased payment Reference to the plans of Medicare Advantage by 2.2%.
The proposal, however, apparently works as another reduction and subfinancing of Medicare Advantage, as the proposed rates are still lower than the current inflation rate, said Buerkle, with the consumer price index that shows a rate d. ‘inflation of 12 months of 2.7%. The proposal is also based on the Biden administration that ends a reduction of 1.12% for the exercise 2024 and a reduction of 0.16% for the year 2025.
Trump puts Biden in defense for Medicare Advantage cuts
“The supply of Medicare Advantage results in higher premiums, more out -of -pocket costs and higher deductible deductibles for the 34 million Americans who choose Medicare Advantage,” Buerkle told Fox News Digital. “This, in addition to the inflation that the administration of Biden caused by its blatant expense creates a difficult situation for those elderly with fixed income.”
The proposal is not yet blocked as the recent ignition The Trump Administration has until April 7 To end its policy for the exercise 2026.
“Medicare ADVANTAGE saved the federal government $ 144 billion over the last decade,” said Buerkle.
This is because Medicare Advantage plans to “use taxpayers dollars more efficiently than traditional Medicare,” he said. “By managing the care of 34 million elderly people, MA plans can offer more benefits for the same price as Original Medicare. The higher satisfaction rate is also high, with 96% of the elderly who report their satisfaction with the His master’s plan.
The Centers for Services of Medicare and Medicaid proposed the proposal when it was published in early January, saying that the Health Plan will continue to provide affordable care, while “being a good dollar administrator of taxpayers”.
The Agency “has worked to ensure that people with Medicare Advantage and Medicare part of have access to stable and affordable offers,” said Chiquita Brooks-Lasure, Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator. “The current warning notice continues the efforts of the CMS to provide access to affordable and high quality care at Medicare Advantage, while a good dollar administrator of taxpayers. We also continue the implementation of the Reduction Act of inflation, ensuring that people with Medicare part of have more affordable coverage of their medicines. “
Former Republican Louisiana Republican, Bobby Jindall -Minute Medicare Advantage is reduced in front of Trump to recover the Oval Office.
“Over the last two years, the administration has implemented a series of changes that have effectively reduced financing for Medicare Advantage,” he wrote. “These cuts are dressed as” payment adjustments “, but the reality is clear: they are reducing funding for a program that the elderly supports overwhelmingly. The results? The highest premiums, the reduced benefits and the networks of Most narrower suppliers for many registered by Medicare Advantage. ”
Jindall added that Medicare Advantage can be improved to better serve the elderly and other registered, but argued that “the left” has been reluctant to improve the system in favor of promoting a government -centered program.
“The members of the two parties have requested to modify the calculation of risk adjustments, to improve a system that can be trapped and often rewards companies to document the acuity of the patient instead of improving the results,” he wrote. “But the left does not want to improve Advantage of Medicare -They want to undermine the program to advance in its long term to centralize more health care under the control of the Government. ”
A Trump Administration official told Fox Digital that employees review the proposals and policies of the Biden administration skeptically, but that no policy has been established related to Medicare Advantage.
Trump joined the republican legislators of the house in Florida on January 27, when he pledged not to cut Medicare or Social Security.
“I will not sign any bill that will cut a single penny of Medicare or Social Security for our great elders. We must not do it. We must not do it. We will not touch these benefits in any way, form or form.
Buerkle previously spoke to Fox News Digital that Biden administration cuts for 2024-2025 served as Backdoor’s attempt for Medicare’s advantage in an effort to promote “Medicare for all.” Health system that has been for some time has been In a list of policy wishes for left -wing legislators.
Buerkle said that Biden Administrator’s last and latest proposal on Medicare Advantage “absolutely” serves as another back attempt to promote Medicare for all.
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“Medicare for all defenders despise the success of Medicare Advantage because he reveals the defects in a government -managed care system,” he said. “The goal is simple: to destroy hand as a means To get to Medicare for all. “